Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Barack Obama Will Not Save the Philippines

Oops, I mean, Noynoy Aquino will not save the Philippines.

This guy is Barack Obama without the advantageous skin pigmentation. Like America's current idiot-in-chief, Noynoy Aquino is very personable. He's got "charisma". He's got "temperament". He's (blech) "eloquent". And best of all, you have a national mainstream media willing to lick his balls and wipe them clean with the tattered remnants of its integrity at the drop of a dime. This is what qualifies as a "uniter" for our chattering classes, which goes to show how ill-educated our degreed chattering classes are.

Like Barack Hussein Obama, Noynoy Aquino lacks substance. He has little policy experience under his belt. He has little intellectual clout to wield. Worst of all, that thing which gives him widespread appeal is something utterly external to him. For BHO, it was his skin color. For Noynoy, it is the mere fact that he is the son of a beloved, recently-departed icon.

Aquino will not save us, simply because he cannot.

A man cannot give what he does not have.

What we need is a leader who is strong, yet flexible. We need someone who has both intellectual and technical clout, as well as the empathy to feel the wide-ranging impact of his decisions. We need someone with the strength of character to wield power and not be wielded by it.

Noynoy Aquino, a neophyte senator who was elected on the strength of his family name, has none of these traits.

Sure, you can argue that his mother, a modern-day Cincinnatus, did not have much experience. However, you must recall first, that character is not hereditary (even Cincinnatus' son paled in comparison to his father), and second, that by all standards, Corazon Aquino was a sub-par president. You must also take into account the fact that we are not fresh from revolution. We are trying to grow as a country. At this point, we do not need another Cincinnatus, but another Cicero.

If we hail Noynoy as our Messiah now the way a sizable chunk of American idiots made Obama theirs, we will experience a wide societal hang-over that may take decades to correct. Are we really going to follow this lightweight into the abyss?

One thing is for sure; if Noynoy is elected president, I will try to start a website called iamsorryivotedfornoynoy dot com.

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