Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Thoughts on the Week at Large

Saw "Gamer" today, because my sister has this weird crush on Gerard Butler. Potentially good story, extremely weak ending, and the shaky-cam must. simply. die. Too many shots of creepy fat gay guy playing future Sims. Dexter makes a nice villain.


Another week, another agonizing moan for the Republic. Noynoy talks to dead people and they tell him to run. Administration's best bets are "opposition" candidates. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)  At least, "abstaining voter" is gonna be fun.


You know how the dying Roman Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire? If only we would be so fortunate once our own Republic dies. "Emperor" Noynoy just does not have the same ring as Augustus.


Rehearsals for "Newspaper Dance" are proceeding according to plan. Well, "plan" broadly defined, at least. A good thing too. My A team will be absent on two different months.


Oh, and cats do bring their prey home to serve a social function, either because they see their owners as head of their social groups and the dead mouse is some sort of tribute, or because they're teaching their dumb owners to hunt, or as part of their own parenting process (with the owner seen as an inept kitten or older cat, since there is no "parental separation" between a cat and the owner). I was right. I was not the one anthropomorphizing cats. Cats see the dead mice and birds as things good in themselves, my ass. (Yes, foundations classmates, I am a petty asshole.) Yeah, its Wikipedia, but the relevant part is sourced.


Speaking of Foundations class, the Disputatio was a pleasant and welcome surprise.


Band of Brothers remains the best war movie / tv show / anything to come out of Hollywood in the last 20 years. No pushy dove screeching, just straight up story-telling about the horrors and heroism of war.


Speaking of screeching doves, "liberal" is still a dirty word. "Reagan" is still awesome. 


Guns or God? Another Newsweek moron wants to know, because she says you can't have both. Unfortunately for her, God doesn't agree. Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition, indeed.


Never act like a credit card newbie in front of a cute bank teller. I fucking hate credit cards. I like cute bank tellers who giggle girlishly when Richard Cheese plays on the radio.


Are we supposed to suspend classes whenever famous people die? I would feel kinda stupid if we have a holiday when Kris Aquino kicks the bucket. But then again, I'd like a nice, happy drink on that day.


I'd like to stop being a moron when confronted with pretty women. But then again, I'd still like to be straight as well. Ah, the price we have to pay.

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