Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One More Reason to Love Classical Music

It can be used to deter crime.

Apparently, classical music drives away hordes of would-be vandals and petty criminals, whose impoverished hearing palate can only handle simplistic drivel created by "artists" with names like "Flo Rida" (isn't that just Florida?), "Lil Wayne" (what happened to Big Wayne?), "Soulja Boy" (As in "Sister Souljah"?) and "Akon" (wtf?).

Maybe police choppers could play "Flight of the Valkyries" during car chases.


What is with hip hop people and the inability to spell? Is American public education that bad? Why can't they all be like Kanye "Gay Fish" West? 

1 comment:

  1. I think the effect was discovered by accident in Russia. Years ago, in a bid to make people aware of classical compositions by Russian composers, they started playing the music in train stations. They only later realized that vandalism and crime rates went down in the vicinity of the stations when they started playing the classical music.
