Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Follow-Up 9/11 Post

In the spirit of never forgetting, let us not forget that, in the course of the life of the malicious Jihad, Christendom knew how to fight back.

September 11, 1565 - The Knights Hospitaller, badly outnumbered and outgunned, repulse the Turks from Malta, the last home of the Order. The last epic battle of Crusader Knights results in the first great defeat of the greatest Islamic empire in history.

This is Malta!!!!

September 11, 1683 - King Jan III Sobieski of Poland leads a relief force that crushes a massive Turkish army at the gates of Vienna, capital of the Hapsburg empire, utilizing the largest cavalry charge in recorded history. The defeat marks the last time the Turks would seriously threaten Western Europe.

Ride for ruin, and the world's ending....

The Islamic Jihad is not invincible.

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