Monday, September 7, 2009

Year One

Genre: Comedy
Where's Mel Brooks When You Need Him?

So, yeah, I actually watched this movie. District 9 would have made me late for Sunday Mass, so yeah...

History of the World Volume... I mean... Year One is a crappy movie. Art direction? Cinematography? Screenwriting? These guys were absent when those were taught.

I only watched it for two reasons: Olivia Wilde and juvenile laughs.

The movie gets one star because Olivia Wilde was particularly fetching. (Such is my blind bias that I would utter the same sentence if she were dressed in a barrel and/or potato sack.) If that was her natural accent, then rrrooooowwwr. The movie gets an extra half star because there was potty humor all up to wazoo, but it got old about halfway in. There's only so much shit one can take from Jack Black, and Michael Cera should just go back and thank Arrested Development he still gets work these days.

As for the substance, you'd have better luck asking a crab-ridden whore her opinions on Shakespeare.