Thursday, September 10, 2009

Abstaining Voter # 1

This is the inaugural post "Abstaining Voter", my special series of election blog posts. Why "Abstaining Voter"? Because I do not plan on settling for this bag of putrid mediocrity we call our "presidential candidates". So, I plan to register my dissatisfaction by voting with a strike-through on the ballot (or whatever else will be its equivalent once voting goes electronic).

In essence, "Abstaining Voter" will be about having fun with that putrid bag of mediocrity. It ought to be fun mocking these soulless individuals who believe they can lead us.

Now, I am not a follower of conventional wisdom. For example, I have been against Obama when being against Obama meant that people viewed you as some sort of cave troll. As such, my bias tends to skew against those candidates whom the greatest purveyors of conventional wisdom (the mainstream media) believe the people ought to vote for. Picking on the guy everybody in the newspapers hate is just way too easy. I refuse to be the Inquirer's lemming.

To celebrate the first post of this series, let me get the party started with a political ad.

No credentials...

No qualifications...

No achievements...

No skills...

No problem...

Vote for Corazon... Ninoy... Noynoy Aquino, 2010