Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Thoughts on the Week at Large 9.20.09

Got to watch a really good play this week. OK, half a good play. And for free too. I get to watch the full show for free too in exchange for a longer review. If only I could make a living out of it. Or a reasonable sideline.


Apparently, Mar Roxas thinks he and Noynoy are in a "good vs. evil" fight in the upcoming elections. So, will he an Noynoy assemble (form feet and legs! form arms and body!) into a clunky robot to fight Gloriazilla? Tsk tsk, looks like somebody was absent during his theology class. "Good" and "evil" are morally heavy terms that cannot be bandied lightly, especially by specious politicians whose records do not belie any insightful knowledge that would justify their usage. Nobody has the right to use these terms in Philippine politics. Not this lot of mediocrities. Of course, Randy David takes Mar to task, but his approach is that of a woolly agnostic. (Surprise, surprise...) Talk about taking out a fire by collapsing a building on it.


This "anybody not in the Liberal Party is evil" approach by Mar Roxas may be one big joke. But if the electorate believes it, then it gets to be really funny. Because by then, the big joke is all of us. "Abstaining Voter" returns on Monday.


MSI's service center ought to really rethink their inefficient protocols. If their damn protocols were anywhere near reasonable, I wouldn't have had to wait four days to find out that my laptop had "no problems". (Not...)


I love baptismal receptions. I also love drinking at baptismal receptions.


When does a "Foodarama" graduate to "Strip Mall"?


Bok went on a successful date. Tomorrow, I await the Four Horsemen, and Olivia Wilde's response to my wildly inappropriate marriage proposal. Because at this point, anything can happen.


Speaking of the Supreme Ruler of Jonathan's Happy Land, Olivia Wilde just completed a photo shoot for GQ. Consider my mind officially blown and my pants officially wet. There is a God.

Uh, name*twitches*


I know this is old news, but I do wonder what qualifies Ellen Degeneres as an American Idol judge. Its not because she's funny, because she isn't. She certainly can't dance, as she amply demonstrates whenever possible. Sing? Instrument? No? Is it because she likes girls? I like girls too. Where's my invite?


Saw an episode of "True Blood". Fucking Anne Rice-esque hype job. Androgynous pervy vampires were cutting edge about 20 years ago. The only thing to keep me watching is the prospect of Anna Paquin skin. But, that's what Tivo and Youtube are for.


Who in their right mind names their child "Sookie"? Were they expecting a puppy to pop out of that womb?


Can't wait for Modern Warfare 2. I need another game to suck the living substance off of my social life.


  1. If eggy did it, why cant you? :) just let me know when...

  2. Yeah, dude, I'll let you know.

    I don't have eggy's cred, but it'll get there...some day....
