Sunday, August 30, 2009

How NOT to Fight Feminism (or, a post on "Game")

So, a bunch of Aussie guys (and here's one of them) grew sick and tired of the raw deal they've been handed by a culture saturated by feminism. Their instinct is to lash out. I am well-acquainted with that instinct. Furthermore, I think that they are onto something. A culture saturated by feminism has little room for men to be men, and they have every right to rage against the dying of the light. You'll find among these men a few high-minded ideals, among which are freedom from feminism and the saving of Western civilization itself.

Don't be fooled. Most are much uglier than this one. :D

However, in their desperation to find something, anything, that would save the West, they've turned to a rather silly solution. They've turned to something called "Game".

No, NOT that Game. This one doesn't even know which end of the hammer to use.

"Game", as far as I can tell, is a pick-up technique invented by some guy named Roissy, or his buddy "Mystery", whatever. So, instead of finding a new paradigm on which to build a platform to save the dying West, this group of geniuses turn to a pick-up technique designed by some half-brained Lothario.

So, how do they expect this technique to save the West?

You see, all men in the world are divided into "alphas" and "betas". And you'll know you're talking to a "Gamer" if he starts yakking about "alphas" and "betas". 'Alphas" are the jock assholes who have all the money, looks and unfair advantages nature could ever give a man. They comprise of roughly 10% of the total male populace. "Betas" are the nice guys who work hard and earn quiet livings while being ignored by the grand majority of the female populace until they get tired of being ignored by the alphas and decide to settle with lesser beings. They comprise of the rest of the male populace.

As for the women, the average gamer (or at least, the guy who invented this technique) thinks that all they have going for them is beauty, which is the only means by which they hold power over men. They are the enemy. They are the prey. They may have jobs and college degrees now, but they've never changed.

Aagh! Evil! Terminator! Sic 'em, boy!

So, the entire technique (sold in some douche store near you) boils down to getting girls by acting like "alphas", especially if you're so "beta" your mama's basement is ashamed of you. Essentially, you trick young, unsuspecting pretty women into thinking you're the world's greatest douchebag so they'll sleep with you.

How will this save the West? According to these Aussie rebels (the blog I linked earlier pretty much sums all of them up), the "Game" plan goes like this:

1. Using Game to make them attractive to all these hapless feminist sluts.
2. They'll sleep with them.
3. ___________________
4. domination?

As you can see, these rebels have all the planning skill of South Park's underwear gnomes. How exactly are they going to save the West with Roissy as their general and this technique as their weapon? The best answer I've heard concerns how they're going to use the technique to be able to start families early and pop out lots of kids to stave off the West's demographic decline. But even this sounds suspicious. Just trying to meet the number of kids necessary to stave off the demographic winter requires that many families have lots of kids, not just a bunch of guys who have more free time on Friday nights than your average yacht clubber. And, this won't happen if the technique you're expecting to save you rests on deceit and is sold in books that can be bought by thousands. Once all the women know you're a bunch of deceitful hacks, the jig is up on "Game", and it'll suck being the thousands of "betas" unlucky enough not to be among the first few to try this douche technique out on an unsuspecting female populace.

No, deep down, what I see are not a bunch of revolutionaries who wish to save the West. Saving the West is just the BS spin these guys take to make themselves feel better about their real goals: scoring. There is nothing in "Game" that teaches you about what to do afterwards. These rebels whine and moan not about the decline of Western culture, but about the fact that it's so hard for average joe to find hot poontang on the dating scene because he doesn't own a Ferrari. Western civilization just earns a couple of shout-outs. In other words, when it comes to the Barbarian-Real Man-Wimp spectrum, all these rebels are just a bunch of Wimps wanting to be Barbarians, and "Game" helps them pull off the charade for a night or two.

But what really pisses me off about these pompous losers is that they treat their natural allies, social conservatives and traditionalists like myself, as unwitting pariahs, namely because we're so "beta", what with our values and all. (These morons think "chivalry" is being beta because it involves some form of "submission" to the feminine. Somebody tell that to the femi-nazis!) Their excuse for this is some form of historical determinism followed by the same sort of dickishness the assholes they wish to emulate so espouse.

A pox on them, I say. These idiots will not contribute anything more to Western civilization beyond plugging their dicks in some unwary slut's visiting room. If they prefer passing "Game" on to their boys instead of "barren" Christianity, then all they're doing is raising a generation of man-whores who treat women like a dog would treat a car: they'll chase relentlessly, but will not know what to do with the thing once they catch it. Western civilization is defined by the ideas and values it was built on, not on the prowess of its ersatz males. It is this essential fact that the morons who advocate "Game" as the savior of men fail to see in their idiotic stupor.

Porn star Ron Jeremy: Game's version of Charlemagne

I understand the urge to fight Feminism. I also understand the difficulty faced by upstanding guys who are not blessed with any natural advantage when it comes to dating. Believe me, I'm one of them, and the dating pool hates me as much as it has these wannabe "gamers". But, I refuse to sell my soul to a solution that asks me to dehumanize women as much as feminism dehumanizes men.

You see, women are not this gigantic monolith of one-track lust. Sure, you can complain about 90% of women wanting 10% of men. (This favorite "Game" statistic strikes me as extremely dubious.) But, the truth of the matter is, they're just as human as men. There are also a lot of women out there who are not sold on feminism and are unwilling to compromise their dignity for the sake of an alpha's temporary affections. There are good women out there. These "gamers" are either too lazy or too undiscerning to find these girls, preferring to go through the entire slut ramp to find Ms. Right.

The answer to feminism can never be "Game", which only serves to reinforce the lies that made feminism a power to be reckoned with in the first place. What these "male rights" Game lovers fail to realize about feminism is that it is strong because it is half true. They only see the ideology's lies. They do not see the partial truths upon which feminism draws its strength from, and this is why their solution is short-sighted and weak. These partial truths will seem very true if all men use this deceitful tactic, and will only serve to strengthen the Medusa these amateurs want to bring down. You do not resist the system that castrated you, your fathers and your brothers by playing by their rules, even if you play well. You resist by breaking them and proposing new ones...or old ones, where the case may be. The answer to a dehumanizing ideology is not an alternate form of dehumanization. Ultimately, Western civilization will be saved, not by these confused "gamers", but by those silent, upstanding men (and, yes, women) who pass on the values and stories of the West onto their young. They are the true heroes of the West. And, if the sons of the West really want to bring the West back, then act like good sons and good men. The West will appreciate it. Good women will, too.

Good news for the Aussies is that not all of those frustrated by feminism buy into this "Game" bullshit.

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