Saturday, August 15, 2009

We're Useful After All

I'm a rather cautious fan of Salon's Camille Paglia. She writes sensibly about aesthetics, and is probably the smartest (or least idiotic) politicized lesbian in the US. Being libertarian, she has some kooky and questionable views, but even then, she is fiercely honest. (This is a pro-choice woman who urged other pro-choicers to finally accept that abortion is indeed murder, then simply try to live with it.) However, this just made me laugh.

After a lifetime of observation, I must regretfully conclude that men make everything hotter -- whether in gay or straight porn. I don't mean men have to be concretely present, only implied as the ultimate audience for primo sexual display.*

Yeah, if all the world were ruled by lesbians, they'll still need us to make and quality-test their porn. Let's see other lesbian writers admit that! lol!

* The context of the comment was that she's stating that the best lesbian scenes ever made were, ironically, enacted by straight women, most often for the benefit of men. To see it, you have to scroll until near the end of the article.

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