Thursday, August 20, 2009


Genre: Animation
This movie managed to construct a more interesting and emotionally stirring love story in ten minutes than Baler and Benjamin Button could in more than 4 hours combined.

Then, they followed it up with an adventure story with so much heart it makes "Rudy" look cynical. Here is how you create a blue-collar hero.

This movie talks about serious things, like dealing with death and memory, without talking down to the children in the audience. This is an art painfully lacking in any other Pixar competitor. They make Dreamworks look bush league by comparison.

If I were teaching about story-telling in movies, I would require this film for students over the very very best and multi-awarded films of our most pretentious auteur savants.

Pixar can do no wrong. I can't wait for their next release.

Best movie of the year so far for me.

Oh, and Pixar...stop making a grown man cry...dammit...*sniff*


  1. AWWW!! it's okay sir!! I almost teared-up watching Wall-E! :) One of the best romantic films (cartoons :p) ever! hoohoohoo.

  2. Watch this one. I guarantee it is even better than Wall-E, which was a good film in its own right. :D

  3. pixar can do no wrong...

    maybe with the exception of cars... but even that was pretty good.

  4. Cars would run rings around the best Dreamworks animated films.

  5. Sir, check out the teaser of Toy Story 3 in youtube.
