Monday, November 3, 2008

More Proof UK Run by the Stupids

Some local British councils decided to ban Latin and all its works from their own little public spheres. Why? Because those poor, poor immigrants who can't speak English will be so confused. It's elitist and discriminatory, don't you know?

Latin, an indelible part of British history and law, would be banned because a few rubes don't get all of it?

You want to know what's really elitist? A bunch of wankers sitting around telling immigrants what they're too dumb to know, before turning to citizens and demanding them to dignify the latest wanker brain fart.

To these morons:

Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum.* - Cicero

Oh, and since Latin is God's language (hah!), I'd wager He'd have a few choice words for these British imbeciles as well...

...or a gesture. A gesture works...

Oh, yeah. Sic semper tyrannis**, assholes.


Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever.

** Death to tyranny.

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