Saturday, November 22, 2008


Obama's idea of change apparently involves doing a Justin Timberlake and singing "I'm bringing Clinton back."

Check out all the familiar faces.

Joe Biden, VP

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

Rahm Emmnuel, Chief of Staff

Tom Daschle, Sec of Health and Human Services

Eric Holder, Attorney General

John Podesta, Transition Director

All of these people are Clinton Administration personnel or allies. I guess Bill Clinton really was the first black president. Obama's just copying. Apparently "hope" for him means "I hope nobody notices my complete and utter reliance on Clinton". This is a sure sign of a man with no ideas of his own.

Meet the new boss, same as the old (old) boss.  (Cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" that they've been fooled again.)


  1. Clinton's black. He's a blues saxophone playah. I'm thinking B.O is trying to compensate for whatever he lacks. Same as those kotse boys.

  2. Look for Obama to take sax lessons...
    And for Michelle Obama to suddenly favor power suits.
