Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gay Fascists: Let's Bully Churches and Old Women, Huzzah!

In keeping with the grand tradition of homosexual fascism (as exemplified by the likes of Ernst Röhm), the losers of the Prop 8 vote took to the streets to harass Mormons and old ladies.

"The time has come to take it out there to the people who voted for this awful thing," said San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty. "The Mormon church has had to rely on our tolerance in the past, to be able to express their beliefs. "... This is a huge mistake for them. It looks like they've forgotten some lessons."

Yeah, that's the way to weasel into everybody's sympathy. Bully all those who do not agree with you and make veiled threats. You know who else voted for Prop 8? African-Americans and Muslims. I wonder if these fruitcakes have enough balls between them to bully those demographics. Once the scimitar starts swinging, let's see how many of these pink swastikas remain standing. Personally, I'm beginning to see less and less why Christians have to defend the rights of these ass-hats. If these people want a free-for-all with every group that finds them an abomination, let them have at it. I'll take a pool on how long these fags will last.

BTW, that old lady in the video showed more balls than all of those faux-men combined. Viva la Resistance!