Sunday, November 30, 2008

More "Twilight" Hate, And I Love It

“I am not anti-female; I am anti-human.” - Stephanie Meyer, responding to critics accusing her of misogyny.

Its a little tongue-in-cheek irony, but it was unintentionally (ironically?) confirmed by the fact that she chose to inflict "Twilight" on a gullible, inherently moronic market: Tweener girls, and by extension, their poor, quality-time-starved Moms.

Much has been said about the "values" promoted by "Twilight". It is a "chaste" vampire romance novel, which would take balls to pull off because of the inherent smuttiness in that God-forsaken genre. Now, I would normally be happy with such a development. Problem is, it has to be done well. Stephanie Meyer does not do it well. She's not half-bad...she's practically all bad. And she's supposedly on my side of the culture wars. Yech.

First off, the "values" of "Twilight", its only redeeming factor, is compromised by very shitty characterization.

Here's are excerpts of a review of the series from a conservative mag:

But how much is a pro-abstinence message worth when the unconsummated relationship is so unhealthy? It gets even worse after the wedding night in Breaking Dawn, when Bella finds herself trying to cover up a multitude of bruises left by the super-strong Edward. That scene, which Meyer treats with appalling lightness — “This is really nothing,” Bella tells her remorseful husband, insisting that the experience was “wonderful and perfect” — should send a chill down the spine of any parent with a daughter.

How much indeed? The last thing we need to be the face of abstinence education is a freaking battered girlfriend / wife constantly enabling her dick boyfriend / husband. What was Meyer even thinking? Then, there's the simply amateurish romance novel crap.

Edward . . . lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn’t sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal.

Good God Almighty, that is horrible prose. What the fuck is an "incandescent chest"? Is he radioactive? (I wouldn't be surprised.) Oh, and he's sparkly! Its a combination of the dumbest and douchiest vampire in history.

But, back to values:

One can see his point. Becoming one of Meyer’s glorious and godlike vampires is a horribly painful process, leaving the subject with uncontrollable bloodlust. Bella would have to be forcibly restrained until she could learn to control herself. In fact, she would emerge so changed in every way that her family would not be able to see her again, for vampires are not permitted to tell humans what they are.

Families are expendable. Some "pro-family" value that is...

The amazing thing is that, just when one thinks that the system of values here can’t get any more bankrupt, it does exactly that. For in Breaking Dawn, swept off her feet by her romantic fantasy, Meyer recklessly breaks her own rules to ensure that the ending is not just happy, but — in Bella’s word — “perfect.” Bella undergoes almost none of the expected post-transformation struggles or sacrifices; instead, all at once she’s gorgeous, talented, self-controlled, and even more admired than before (and goes from self-deprecating to insufferably vain). Awkward and implausible solutions are worked out to let her keep the relationships she’d given up. And by means of a wild plot twist that is never explained, Bella and Edward get to add to their family. (Bella is still human at that point, but Edward is, technically, a walking corpse without normal bodily fluids.) Even Jacob the werewolf gets Meyer’s idea of a happy ending — which involves both an age-inappropriate relationship and the loss of his own free will.

Looks like Meyer has never heard of the nature of natural law. Then again, it seems that she never grasped the nature of writing either. This is consequentialism 101. The ends justified the means. Oh, and somebody tell Meyer that you have to be really good to pull off Deus ex Machina without sounding like a total retard. If the ending is any indication, Meyer has probably never encountered the human race before. Paging Tom Cruise.

In the final analysis, Meyer has deprived her characters of both choices and consequences. And young readers are left with the image of a girl who discovers her own worth and gets all she ever wanted, by giving up her identity and throwing away nearly everything in life that matters.

That’s scarier than any vampire.

Aye. Stupid tweeners are an alarming portent for any believer of natural selection. Funny thing about Meyer and her values is that, in the end, her wish-fulfillment avatar Bella Swan has more in common with your local ho than with a virgin queen.

Here's another review of "Twilight" which comes to the same conclusions:

If there is anything striking in The Twilight Saga it is Bella’s seemingly total lack of a sense of her own dignity and worth.  Ultimately, she is killed during the delivery of Edward’s child because the vampire baby eats its way out of her body.  She is then reanimated by vampire venom which allows her to go on living - not as a human, but as a vampire.  This requires the surrender of her human soul, which she willingly relinquishes because, as she says earlier to the already damned Edward “You can’t make me go somewhere you won’t be…That’s my definition of hell.”

Bella reminds me of Kirk Lazarus and Tugg Speedman talking about method acting.

"You mean, become a moron?"
"Like, moronical? Like you're the dumbest mother-fucker that ever lived?"
"When I was in character."

Once more, Meyer's tone-deafness when it comes to human nature is so breathtaking, one wonders if she's even human at all. Paging Tom Cruise...again. Looks like we have a live one. 

"Come with me, Stephanie Meyer!"

Edward sneaks into the house without her father’s knowledge and lies in bed with her all night long - every night!  Old fashioned?  Chaste?  The descriptions certainly aren’t.

For Stephanie Meyer to claim her books are all about values means that she's either an alien, or insane. Take your pick.

Meyer's wedding day photo...*gasp* Kinda hot for an alien though.

Russian City Decides to Stop Staring At Abyss For a Week

Russia fancies itself a superpower. After losing all of its imperial satellites after the collapse of the USSR, its government still holds on to some romantic notion of Russian importance in the world. Just ask the Georgians.

However, there is just one really big problem. You can't be a superpower without people. You need people to man your economy, hold your cities, spread your culture and form your armies. China has, for now, 1.3 billion people. The US has some 300 million people. Russia, with a territory at least twice as large as the US, has 148 million.

Now, 148 million is a big number. Only, its kinda puny when you look at all the territory this people will have to defend. Add that to the fact that its not a very healthy 148 million. Its a population that is not only small for its territorial size, it is also a population that is declining due to high mortality rates and extremely low fertility rates. This is no way for a superpower to be.

There are many culprits here, but one cannot help but point to one very large elephant taking a dump in the middle of the living room. Russia has the largest number of abortions in the world. According to Wikipedia (I'd link to the source article, but its in Cyrillic):

In 2001, 1,320,000 children were born in Russia, while 1,800,000 abortions were performed. In 2005, 1,600,000 abortions were registered in Russia.

More people are being killed in the womb than were being born. It is a most glaring example of an entire culture slowly and painfully committing seppuku. They are addressing the problem now, with limited efforts. But, one Russian city, Novorossiysk, decided that, for a week, it was going to go all out and ban abortion altogether.

A Russian city located in the southern part of the nation near the Black Sea is starting a campaign called a "Week Without Abortions." The idea is to temporarily prohibit abortions in the city and encourage couples to have children in an effort to combat the growing underpopulation problem.

To me, this sounds like a good idea. Only, it does not go far enough. Why not just ban the abomination entirely? What will you do after a week? Go back to staring your obsolescence in the face?

If only the entire country saw the sense behind the act.

For every child that a family has after the first, the Russian government pays parents the equivalent of $9,200. There's even a "National Day of Conception." None of it seems to be working.

Of course. $9,200 will not cover insurance, education and various other miscellaneous expenses. Any such incentive program must be accompanied by extremely substantial tax breaks, school vouchers, workplace concessions and a whole plethora of reforms just to make raising a kid viable for everybody not rolling in cash. Second, no carrot ought to come without a stick. Ban abortions. Even a monster like Stalin saw the sense in it. Do not frame abortion as "choice", that wonderfully Orwellian lie that the West has been using to rationalize a genocide. The "choice" to wantonly kill must not exist, for far too many men and women would choose to destroy themselves and others to fulfill their own base desires. (Check out Captain Ahab...) 

Finally, the cultural problem must be addressed. The legal solutions are all so much bandage. One must strike at the heart of the cancer. What in Russian culture has bred so much hopelessness that women go against their natural maternal instincts and kill their own children? Some of these women have had over 20 abortions over the course of a lifetime. What turns mothers into the destroyers of their own children? And, where the hell are the men?

I suspect that at the heart of it all, Solzhenitsyn's diagnosis is correct. These people have forgotten God. That is probably the single deadliest blow emanating from the legacy of Communism. Communism robs people of God. Communism robs people of hope.

It must also be noted that abortion is widely used in Russia and other former Soviet bloc countries as a means of birth control.

It is a very small step from contraception and birth control to abortion, no matter the lies forwarded by Rep. Lagman's best apologists. And if that ass has his way, we will be making the same deal with the devil the Russians made.

Only, we won't even get to afford pretensions to superpower.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Looks Like I Finally Won Something For a Change...

Joem and I entered this contest:

I just got my essay in 15 minutes before the deadline.

And what do you know...

Hi Jonathan,
Congratulations! you are one of the top 3 winners of our 5th Annual essay Writing Contest.
Please confirm your attendance on our awarding on Dec. 1, 2008 at Embassy Superclub at the Fort, TAGUIG CITY.

I just got this email tonight from the organizers.

So, back to Embassy on Monday night. I wonder if Kuya Ray can take me. I don't really mix well with ravers and party people.

I'll post the essay later in the week.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Still a Nice Place To Live In, This Earth...

In between the horrors man inflicts upon man, there are others who occasionally display some of that divine spark that ensure that no matter how great the evil he can perpetrate, man is still worth saving.

Here's the story of a twenty-three year old woman who lapsed into a coma after a car accident. She had been considered a vegetable, and would've been starved to death if not for the persistence of her father in trying to persuade her mother, who had custody, not to withhold food and water. For now, she appears to be safe from death by dehydration, thanks to a new custodial arrangement between her parents.

In another story, a Serbian serial abortionist who worked under the former Communist regime woke up to realize that he had the blood of thousands on his hands. And unlike most who wake up realizing this, he turned around. No more bloodshed. From the story:

In describing his conversion, Adasevic “dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from 4 to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence.  The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat. One night he asked the man in black and white who he was. ‘My name is Thomas Aquinas,’ the man in his dream responded. Adasevic, educated in communist schools, had never heard of the Dominican genius saint.  He didn’t recognize the name”

“Why don’t you ask me who these children are?” St. Thomas asked Adasevic in his dream.

“They are the ones you killed with your abortions,’ St. Thomas told him. 

Adasevic awoke in amazement and decided not to perform any more abortions.

There's even a nice dig at St. Thomas Aquinas in the end.

“Influenced by Aristotle, Thomas wrote that human life begins forty days after fertilization,” Adasevic wrote in one article. La Razon commented that Adasevic “suggests that perhaps the saint wanted to make amends for that error.”  Today the Serbian doctor continues to fight for the lives of the unborn.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Genre: Comedy
Movie of the Year

It took some time, but I was really enjoying the movie too much to review it. Several weeks after the fact, and its still awesome. Now, to call it movie of the year may be a bit presumptuous, considering that "Dark Knight" also played this year, but this movie is the one that I will remember most from this year's offerings. Namely because it is both an intelligent satire of Hollywood culture and an extremely funny movie. The Wayans brothers ought to be taking notes. This is how you mock Hollywood!

Now, I won't go much into the technical merits. The cinematography is as conventional as war movies go. The soundtrack is an excellent 60's and 70's montage. But, what truly sets this movie apart is the sheer amount of Hollywood iconography subject to laughs. (First and foremost is Oliver Stone's Platoon and its outstretched soldier...) And, the movie is just so damn quotable to boot! This movie is like our very own version of Monty Python lite.

Just look at these gems:

Kirk Lazarus: I don't read the script. The script reads me.
Kevin Sandusky: What does that even mean?
Tugg Speedman: There were times while I was playing Jack where I felt...
Tugg Speedman: ...retarded. Like, really retarded.
Kirk Lazarus: Damn!
Tugg Speedman: In a weird way I had to sort of just free myself up to believe that is was ok to be stupid or dumb.
Kirk Lazarus: To be a moron.
Tugg Speedman: Yeah!
Kirk Lazarus: To be moronical.
Tugg Speedman: Exactly, to be a moron.
Kirk Lazarus: An imbecile.
Tugg Speedman: Yeah!
Kirk Lazarus: Like the dumbest mother fucker that ever lived.
Tugg Speedman: [pause] When I was playing the character.
Kirk Lazarus: Everybody knows you never go full retard.
Tugg Speedman: What do you mean?
Kirk Lazarus: Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. Peter Sellers, "Being There." Infantile, yes. Retarded, no. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed...
Alpa Chino: No, I always wanted to. I guess I just never had the courage to ask. It's complicated.
Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It's simple as pie man, you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say "Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's in the story"... What's her name?
Alpa Chino: ...Lance
Kirk Lazarus: You say 'Listen here, Lance'... Lance? What the fuck did I just hear? Lance?
Kevin Sandusky: Did you just say Lance?
Alpa Chino: No! No, I didn't say Lance. I said Nance.
Kevin Sandusky: It sounded a lot like Lance.
Alpa Chino: Dammit, I'm Alpa Chino! 'I Love Tha Pussy', aight? Lay yo ass back down and look at the stars.
Kirk Lazarus: I know what dude I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!
Alpa Chino: [mocking Kirk] Hell yeah! Ha! That's how we all talk? We all talk like dis, "suh"? Yes suh, ha! Yeah mmm-hmm get some crawfish, and some ribs, ha! Ye-aah. You're Australian! Be Australian! Excuse me, Kangaroo Jack!
[hops away like a kangaroo]
Kirk Lazarus: [confused] I get excited about my foods, man.
Kirk Lazarus: Alpa and I are already wearin' Earth Mamma's natural night camo.
Alpa Chino: Cool it, Benson!
Tugg Speedman: This is insane. Are you really going to abandon this movie? We're supposed to be a unit!
Kirk Lazarus: Suck my unit.
Kevin Sandusky: Tugg. Tugger. You're the last piece of the puzzle buddy. We need you! Your men need you. Are you with us?
Tugg Speedman: [pause] I'm a rooster illusion.
Kevin Sandusky: Fuck it. We'll deal with him later.
Tugg Speedman: I killed one, Rick... the thing I love most in the world.
Rick Peck: A hooker. Oh Jesus, you killed a hooker!
Tugg Speedman: No, a panda. I killed a panda...
Rick Peck: Amanda? C'mon dude, that's probably not even her real name...

This movie is going to be immortal. Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black et al. have outdone themselves. They even got Tom Cruise to quit acting and just be Tom Cruise! Insanity for the win!

After the Heavy Stuff, Some Light-Hearted Bashing is in Order

Continuing on my Twilight Hate-a-thon (its a long week), I found this little ditty while trawling the inter webs. 

To wit*:

50 Edward Cullen Traits Every Guy Should Have
List by wildcats13 posted 5 months ago

Ok. so I found this as a group on facebook and totally agree... I mean who wouldn't want a guy, or *vampire* like Edawrd? So here's the list.

1. Be inhumanly attractive
2. Drive 200 km/h
3. Save you from death
4. Have an amazing body
5. Be incredibly wealthy
6. Be too much of a gentlemen
7. Have an elegant way of walking
8. Be inhumanly strong
9. Crooked smile
10. Have an extended an sophisticated vocabulary
11. Be really smart
12. Good taste in music
13. Smell extraordinarily nice
14. Suddenly appear out of nowhere and kiss you passionatley
15. To tell you that you ARE beautiful, not that you look beautiful
16. To be able to enter your room without anyone noticing
17. To be willing to sacrifice his life for yours
18. Have eyes only for you, even if he is surrounded by attractive girls
19. To be ale to read minds except for yours
20. Quote Romeo ( Shakespear )
21. Stand in front of you in a protective way when you arein danger
22. Give you his jacket when you are cold
23. To stay young, gorgeous and sexy forever
24. Have morals
25. Love you for what you are inside, not for how you look
26. Be charming
27. Be jealous of your guys friends ( Jacob, Mike, etc... )
28. Sparkle in the sunlight
29. Write you a song
30. Wait for the ideal girl to come along
31. Be a virgin
32. Whisper nice things in your ear
33. Be able to make you beautiful and immortal
34. Tell you that the outside world hols no interest for him without you
35. Be comprehensive
36. Have a nice family
37. Play the piano
38. Kiss you in the middle of a fight
39. Always pay everything
40. Hug you behind your back
41. Have been pretty much single since 1901
42. Hold your face while he kisses you
43. Doesn't sleep at night, stays by your side taking care of you
44. Speaks no lies
45. Have a good taste in clothes
46. Have beautiful and expressive eyes
47. Own amazing cars
48. Be able to carry you with no effort
49. Tell you that you are the closest to heaven that he will ever get
50. Be willing to spend eternity by your side

Don't don't lie and say that's not what you all want!!! Oh, my favorites are 9, 28, 38, 43, 49. Omg, so romantic!!!!! <333

Bella and Edward FOREVER!!!

Okay, I have two words for "wildcats13": Future Lesbian.

Look at all these traits! No guy will have 10 of them, much less 50. Heck, I don't think we even demand that much from women. Furthermore, many of these dumb-ass traits can only be good in the mind of a hormonal 14 year old girl whose eyes still gaze skywards for unicorns.

1. Be inhumanly attractive
Right. So, with Cullen / Pattinson in mind, the sex offender look is "inhumanly attractive".

2. Drive 200 km/h
I'll bet the state trooper doesn't find that so sexy. Nor will you when he rams his nightstick up your shitty boyfriend's ass.

4. Have an amazing body
5. Be incredibly wealthy
6. Be too much of a gentlemen
He must have the body of a rapist, the money of The Donald and the attitude of Patton Oswalt. In essence, he's Michael Cera of Arrested Development.

8. Be inhumanly strong
What the fuck? Kill your own damn cockroach, b****.

13. Smell extraordinarily nice
Oh, you mean smell like a girl? Must "he" also affect a crude macho walk too?

14. Suddenly appear out of nowhere and kiss you passionatley
Sexual harassment? Check.

15. To tell you that you ARE beautiful, not that you look beautiful
Amazing grasp of worn-out cliches? Check.

16. To be able to enter your room without anyone noticing
Is a stalker? Check.

18. Have eyes only for you, even if he is surrounded by attractive girls
Blind? Check.

19. To be ale to read minds except for yours
Retarded? Check.

20. Quote Romeo ( Shakespear )
Knows only the most hackneyed of Shakespeare's plays? You betcha.

23. To stay young, gorgeous and sexy forever
Be an amazingly well-preserved mummy for the sake of an aging woman with sagging boobs? Uhh...

25. Love you for what you are inside, not for how you look
Must love the empty abyss? Okay....

27. Be jealous of your guys friends ( Jacob, Mike, etc... )
Unreasonably possessive? Check.

28. Sparkle in the sunlight
F**k you...

30. Wait for the ideal girl to come along
Waiting for someone who is way better than you? Definitely.

33. Be able to make you beautiful and immortal
"Hi, I am Dr. Frankenstein, plastic surgeon!"

34. Tell you that the outside world hols no interest for him without you
Be an ersatz Bubble Boy? Umm...

38. Kiss you in the middle of a fight
Be the world's dumbest sure?

40. Hug you behind your back
As opposed to hugging you when you know about it?

41. Have been pretty much single since 1901
Pathologically incapable of human interaction? Check.

42. Hold your face while he kisses you
This sounds kinda awkward. How will anybody kiss you with hands in the way?

45. Have a good taste in clothes
46. Have beautiful and expressive eyes
47. Own amazing cars
Be a male Barbie doll. Err...why don't you just date Barbie and save us all the trouble?

49. Tell you that you are the closest to heaven that he will ever get
Be half geek, half Marxist? Check.

50. Be willing to spend eternity by your side
Must be world's biggest loser? Check, check, check.

You know what, the vampire is officially dead. Vampires are no longer scary. I'll bet even Count Chocula can kick Edward Cullen's ass. They are now the gayest monsters in the party, who rhapsodize their cheeseburgers and sparkle like ten year old girls bathed in glitter.

The vampire has been officially castrated. Anne Rice has thankfully already left the genre. She bailed just in time. Stephanie Meyer just took a gigantic, 12-pound shit on the genre, and no amount of scrubbing is going to take away that smell. Vampires will now be nothing more than the sparkly beings of Mary Sue wish-fulfillment among really bad amateur writers like Meyer. At least, we can thank Meyer for putting a wooden stake through the heart of all the pretenses of vampire fiction. It'll all be just another sub-genre of chick lit now. Count Dracula is dead. Long live Count Dracula.

I'm going to go mourn by downloading some Dresden Files episodes, where vampires still had the dignity to be monsters.

*I retained all spelling errors and girly squealing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now THIS Is an American Idiot

An American medical student wonders if she has the balls to join the diminishing ranks of America's legal baby-killers.

Furthermore, you get asides from her enlightened mentors:

Meyers, a 51-year-old obstetrician and genetics expert, has performed hundreds of abortions over the course of her career and, until earlier this year, served as the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Maryland. She loves her work -- it's very rewarding, she said, and women always thank her....

Very rewarding. This guy thanks her too.

SS: Our jobs were very rewarding too!

Of course, the fun doesn't stop there. Our little abortionist that could is portrayed as "enlightened", just like her mentors, because they speak about the hard stuff. Like, how do you live with yourself while butchering babies? I'm sure the SS had a few suggestions, if they were still around. Anybody?

"Patients were so grateful," said Lance, who had only vague interest in abortion until she learned about the shortage of providers. "It just became very clear to me that this was where I was needed."

Yeah, that's the ticket. Tell yourself that some people just need some killing, be it babies or Jews or whatever happens to be inconvenient.

To Lesley, these lifestyle sacrifices felt distant. "Nobody's called me a baby killer yet," she said. "I don't know what I would do then."

Let me be the first then, you fucking baby-killer.

The everyday pressure of being an abortion provider can be grating: the self-censorship, the disapproving stares of fellow doctors, the social repercussions in small communities.

Killing babies is hard! Waaaah!!! *sinff* *sniff*

Lesley was still fuming about the dean's decision as Carole Meyers, Myron Rose and experts on medical abortion and world population spoke.

Awww, not everybody on-board with your little genocidal crusade? Cry me a river...

It was a hands-on opportunity for second-year medical students to learn how to perform an abortion, using a papaya as a stand-in for a woman's uterus.

Uterus? Duh...

What is it with these people and their hatred of fruit? Aborting papayas and suffocating bananas and cucumbers with rubber....

"This is so cool," said Lesley, who believed she was doing something important to address the shortage of abortion doctors.

"Yes it is, you hot, blond-streaked young Fraulein, you..."

Here's another tactic at inducing cognitive dissonance...convince yourself that shit tastes like sausage and that the gutter smells minty clean! Cool!

That's what this guy did:

I personally pray to God that this sort of absolute idiocy, this callous disregard of human life, this wretched Evil, never makes it to our shores. If some moronic med student ever proposes starting a SS..err...
Medical Students for Choice chapter on-campus in UST or any other medical school in this country, I hope that idiot is expelled and blacklisted. (Hey, he or she can go abroad and kill some other country's babies.) 

Evil comes in the most mundane of forms. And yet...the horror...

To Commemorate the Cinematic Release of "Twilight"...

Let me post my favorite picture of girly man / Mary Sue / "vampire" Edward Cullen.

"Bella, I can't feel my legs! Do I Still Look Like a Serial Rapist? Oh, please say yes!"

Isn't he cute when he's all vaporized and stuff?

Monday, November 24, 2008

So, That's What They're Saying...

Somebody decides to do us a service by dubbing over a freestyle battle rap between one "Hydrogen" and one "Boost", translating it into straightforward English.

These guys could work for the UN,

More Proof UK Run by the Stupids #3

Looks like some bright British bureaucrats seek to contribute to the world pool of dumb ideas by suggesting a ban on "happy hour".

Now, I know the Brits are no Irishmen, but...really? You guys think banning "happy hour" is going to solve all your liver disease problems? All you'll get is a bunch of pissed-off hooligans who'll be a few sterling shorter than usual, but every bit as drunk and much more angry at having been robbed of a fine tradition.

No happy hour? He'll be just as drunk, but maybe not as happy.

You guys want to stop British young adults and teens from drinking themselves to death? Why don't you try fixing the culture that drives them to drink in the first place? Talk about a band-aid solution to a cancer. It's like raising the price on razor blades. Emo kids are still gonna cut regardless.

"You raised the price of razor blades? I'm gonna kill you, Jewish capitalist bastard! Why does your God hate me?"

See? Not very effective.

A Moment of Zen #4

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Obama's idea of change apparently involves doing a Justin Timberlake and singing "I'm bringing Clinton back."

Check out all the familiar faces.

Joe Biden, VP

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

Rahm Emmnuel, Chief of Staff

Tom Daschle, Sec of Health and Human Services

Eric Holder, Attorney General

John Podesta, Transition Director

All of these people are Clinton Administration personnel or allies. I guess Bill Clinton really was the first black president. Obama's just copying. Apparently "hope" for him means "I hope nobody notices my complete and utter reliance on Clinton". This is a sure sign of a man with no ideas of his own.

Meet the new boss, same as the old (old) boss.  (Cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" that they've been fooled again.)

Hugh Laurie Expounds Obama's Change Plan

Hugh Laurie is awesome! Check out his Bob Dylan accent!

Plus, while this song is old, its as if Obama just took Laurie's premise and won with it. :D

Facebook Can Be Bad For You

According to this article, Facebook can lead to suicide, especially among younger teens.

The funny thing about Facebook, MySpace and the rest of the social networking coterie is that they operate with only the best assumptions about human nature in mind. It's nice to reconnect with old friends and relatives. From the article:

When my sons signed up I thought it sweet when they befriended their aunties and old babysitters, sent virtual pina-coladas to far-flung godparents.

But, the reality is that Facebook, MySpace, et al (henceforth known as MyFace) unleashes the dark side of human nature in greater quantities than the light side. To paraphrase that song about a guy on a horse in the desert, "in MyFace, they can't remember your name". In this virtual arena of total strangers, all manner of internal censors, from etiquette to forced niceness, go right out the window.

Besides, said the psychotherapist, it is the ordinary stuff which devastates her patients, the photos of a sleepover to which you weren't invited, your best friend ignoring you and chatting on someone else's “wall”. And everyone will know, by how many friends you have, whether you're a big, fat loser. It's not even proper bullying, just crude kidult passive- aggression. But, boy, does it hurt.

There's an art to this kind of bullying. Notably, this is the feminine kind of bullying. Girls are the masters of passive-aggressive. Us guys, we just beat the snot out of each other and call it a day. But this long, sustained psychological bullying used to be confined to all-girl schools. Its no wonder that girls are more susceptible to this sort of cyber-bullying. MyFace enables it at a much grander scale. Now, even people you've never met before can stuff your emotions in a metaphorical locker and give them swirlies.

Furthermore, one of the horrible things about MyFace is that on these websites, even us guys with not enough attention span to master this devastating kind of emotional abuse can do it too, with little to no practice, on the weekends in between Halo 3 sessions.

So, I say, down with...


So, MyFace picks off the emotionally fragile.

Which means that MyFace can singlehandedly render the entire gothic emo population extinct via mass suicide...

Okay, so its more of a toss-up really. Maybe it won't be so bad.


Die, Panic! At The Disco and all your legions of hell!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

You Apes Wanna Live Forever?

Juan Ponce De Leon wasted his time. The fountain of youth is not in Florida. It's in a research lab in his home country.

Researchers believe boosting the amount of a naturally forming enzyme in the body could prevent cells dying and so lead to extended, healthier, lifespans.

The protein telomerase helps maintain the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes which act like the ends of shoelaces and stop them unravelling.

As we age, and our cells divide, these caps become frayed and shorter and eventually are so damaged that the cell dies. Scientists believe boosting our natural levels of telomerase could rejuvenate them.


Maria Blasco, who led the research, told the New Scientist said that the enzyme was capable of turning "a normal, mortal cell into an immortal cell".

Great. We become forever young by turning our mortal cells into immortal cells. One problem, though. You know what else "immortal cells" are called? Cancer.

One of the problems with boosting telomerase is that it can increase the risk of cancer.

Dr Blasco said this could be overcome by also issuing cancer drugs that could offset the negative affects.

Wow. That sounds about as reassuring as that time a friend told me he could keep a TV with frayed wiring running through the liberal usage of electric tape. The thing ended up almost starting an electric fire. (Thank you, fire extinguishers.)

If we take Dr. Blasco as seriously as she wants us to take her, then we'd be spending around two-thirds of our immortal existence as cancer drug junkies. The only people who could possibly benefit from that would be the employees of a cancer drug company I'm sure Dr. Blasco is raring to start up.

I think I'm more predisposed to looking forward to death than immortal life as a half-way zombie.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Adversity" and Creativity

I was just going through this review of the Hollywood classic "Casablanca", when one of the last few paragraphs jumped out at me. 

The indeterminacy of the ending has has been exaggerated by stories suggesting that the filmmakers were uncertain which of the two men Ilsa would wind up with. These are apparently myths; the Production Code of the day would not have allowed an ending fundamentally different from what the film gives us. What was debated was how to engineer the bittersweet ending in a dramatically and emotionally satisfying way.

There's something to think about. Because the Production Code would not allow an ending wherein a married woman runs off with another man, the makers of Casablanca were forced to find a way to make the ending satisfying despite spending the entire film flirting with adultery. The result is one of the greatest endings in Hollywood history.

When I read stuff like this, I keep getting validated in my practice of almost never watching local films commercially. I loved watching Casablanca, which was the product of a time that had a Production Code. It was far superior to almost any movie produced well after that code was abolished. (Its counterpart in greatness, Citizen Kane, was also made in the same era under the same guidelines.)

Here, we don't have a Production Code. Short of blatant nudes, we've allowed practically anything we could think of in our films. And yet, for all that freedom, we've produced nothing like Casablanca. Not even close. 

It seems that creativity needs adversity to blossom. Where creativity is untrammeled, it loses its edge. Gold must go through fire, after all. When we can all take the easy route and just vomit our work unto any media, why be creative?

So, how do our filmmakers address our creativity deficit? By trying to remove the very thing that can force them to be creative. They're decrying the relatively tame MTRCB as "fascist". Good going, fags.

When the makers of Casablanca were forced to be creative, they didn't resolve it by crying out that the Production Code was "fascist". They went out and finished one of the greatest movies of all time. It only further highlights how lame, inbred and insular our local auteur wannabes are.

"I know what will make my movie the best ever! That boob I'll show for twenty minutes straight! Screw you, MTRCB fascist pigs! Lolz!! Manrique's gonna suck my balls."

Boy: Who's making this movie?
Girl: Some guy with long hair who'll make us hold this pose for five hours.
Boy: ...we're in hell, aren't we?

Bergman: I'm glad we made this movie.
Bogart: I'm just glad the morons won't be around for another 60 years...

South Park Mac vs. PC.flv

A Mac vs. PC ad I can get behind...

"I'm sorry Mac. Wanna play Minesweeper?"

Global Warming? It's Freezing in Here!

Looks like Al Gore's minions took another credibility hit.

From the piece:

A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore's chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

This was startling. Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand.

The reason for the freak figures was that scores of temperature records from Russia and elsewhere were not based on October readings at all. Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running.

Who says science is objective? From where I'm standing, science is what a bunch of high-horse people in white coats says it is. Science can be just as politicized as, you guessed it, religion. They even have their own orthodoxy vs. heresy arguments as well. This global warming debate and all the shenanigans involved in the manipulation of the public mind is but one example of the chaos that is the scientific establishment.

Global warming, my ass.

"Al Gore said we'd be in for a hot winter. Bastard."

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Death of the Institution of Marriage Begins With Divorce

I managed to stumble on to this video while trawling the Inter Webs. Its a video calling for people to sign a petition banning divorce.

Considering the fact that the website is called "funny or die", this video was meant to be a spoof mocking those who voted for Prop 8 banning gay marriages in California. It is a reductio ad absurdum argument, similar to the slippery-slope arguments used against gay marriage. (e.g. Gay marriage will lead to polygamy, etc.) The hope is that people will find banning divorce to be absurd, and therefore banning gay marriage would be absurd.

The problem is that while the gay marriage people are trying their hardest to distance themselves from polygamists and "zoophiles", those who wish to prevent gay marriage in principle agree with the premise presented in this video. (There goes the absurdum part...)  Somebody ought to do something about divorce.

The logic of the video is this:

Gay marriage is bad for society, children and family.
Divorce is bad for society, children and family.
Divorce may be even worse.
Let's ban divorce! (Hah, like you hypocritical breeders will ban divorce!)

Funny part is, I agree with them. (Except with the "read between the lines" subtext.) If those in the US are serious about protecting the family, they ought to ban divorce. At the very least, they ought to ban divorce's most malicious incarnation: "no-fault" divorce. 

Divorce destroys families and leaves kids to play with the broken pieces of emotional glass. The backward slide of the institution of marriage in the West began with the widespread acceptance of divorce (coinciding with the widespread acceptance of contraception). Once you've de-sacralized the union (no-fault divorce) as much as you've de-sacralized the unitive act (contraception), then there is no incentive to remain in the union or to treat the act as anything other than playful recreation. This is the sort of thing that destroys families, frays communities, and ruins nations and empires. The West will be destroyed, not from without, but from within, when it refuses to make heirs for its traditions.

Heck, the only reason the homosexual lobby even wants marriage is because they've seen the wreckage and thought, "if all this marriage stuff is just that, why can't we have it too?"

The West owes the institution a hell of a lot more than this. Banning gay marriage is a measure that addresses but one symptom. They must strike at the core.

Ban divorce. If possible, ban contraception too.

Personally, I'm glad I live in one of only two countries in the world that does not recognize divorce. However, with a government bill encouraging contraception on the way (contraception and divorce and lifelong buddies), I fear a divorce law may be imminent. There have already been dangerously close challenges to the status quo in the past.

Ora pro nobis.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Swiss Out-Crazy PETA

We all know the group ominously known as "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" is plain nuts. Except when they put up naked pictures of hot, deluded female celebrities. Then, they're both nuts and hot, which is a combination good enough to make any fetish hooker proud.

However, PETA has officially lost the monopoly over its particular brand of bat-shit crazy.

Meet the Swiss Government's Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology.

This group of Swiss geniuses, consisting of "philosophers", lawyers, geneticists and "theologians" (I don't have enough respect for lawyers and geneticists to give 'em they-could-be-fake quotes), have decided that plants ought to have rights, which in this case is the right to not be "humiliated".

You read it correctly. PLANT RIGHTS.

"We can haz ryts? I'ze vote bugz!!"

How in the world can a plant be humiliated? Will it blush when we see it naked? Will a carrot go to a battered carrot center when forcibly peeled? Does the grape get mercilessly teased in fruit school?

Aside from the human race, the biggest losers if this concept ever takes off are botanists. After all, who does most of the plant-handling and plant-poking and cross-pollinating (plant rape!) around? Oh, and for poor geeky botanists, plants are probably going to be as close as they get get the picture...

"Hear me roar! Or at least, hear Eve Ensler obsess about my monologues. Coming to a Plants Rights rally near you!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gay Fascists: Let's Bully Churches and Old Women, Huzzah!

In keeping with the grand tradition of homosexual fascism (as exemplified by the likes of Ernst Röhm), the losers of the Prop 8 vote took to the streets to harass Mormons and old ladies.

"The time has come to take it out there to the people who voted for this awful thing," said San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty. "The Mormon church has had to rely on our tolerance in the past, to be able to express their beliefs. "... This is a huge mistake for them. It looks like they've forgotten some lessons."

Yeah, that's the way to weasel into everybody's sympathy. Bully all those who do not agree with you and make veiled threats. You know who else voted for Prop 8? African-Americans and Muslims. I wonder if these fruitcakes have enough balls between them to bully those demographics. Once the scimitar starts swinging, let's see how many of these pink swastikas remain standing. Personally, I'm beginning to see less and less why Christians have to defend the rights of these ass-hats. If these people want a free-for-all with every group that finds them an abomination, let them have at it. I'll take a pool on how long these fags will last.

BTW, that old lady in the video showed more balls than all of those faux-men combined. Viva la Resistance!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu

This is Hello Cthulhu...

I feel sort of embarrassed for Bodega. This is the kind of shit we should have come up with!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quote of the Day

I am a woman. Every artist is a woman and should have a taste for other women. Artists who are homosexual cannot be true artists because they like men, and since they themselves are women they are reverting to normality.
                                                                                       —PABLO PICASSO

I laughed when I read this. In a tortured, roundabout way, I'm going to agree with Mr. Picasso. Especially when I think of the local movie industry. :D

Friday, November 7, 2008

Republican Hara-kiri

Republican stereotype David Frum had this to say about the future of the GOP:

So the question for the GOP is: Will it pursue them? To do so will involve painful change, on issues ranging from the environment to abortion. And it will involve potentially even more painful changes of style and tone: toward a future that is less overtly religious, less negligent with policy, and less polarizing on social issues. That’s a future that leaves little room for Sarah Palin – but the only hope for a Republican recovery.

Yeah, that's right. Abandon your last great set of principles, and all will come to you like the whore you are. After all, don't amoral tramps get all the guys at the party?

Less religion? The GOP would not have had 8 years if not for church-goers. The pro-life, traditional morality message is all that the GOP has left going for it. It lost because its candidate was a wishy-washy moderate who could not even utter "pro-life" without shivering down his spine. Obama-lite would never have defeated Obama.

Proposition 8, the one banning gay marriage, was carried in large part by the black and Hispanic vote that went for Obama.

If the GOP listens to this idiot Frum, then it deserves to go the way of the Whigs.

Oh, and Palin 2012. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Going the Way of the Dinosaurs

Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park, Andromeda Strain and a lot of other cool novels, has died of cancer.

He was that rare soul who made science come to life in ways years of staid research never could. He proved that science, like most other important establishments in life, needed story-tellers.

May he be pleasantly surprised to find himself in long conversations with the Maker of the dinosaurs and Author of the universe.

Requiscat in Pace. 

Obama Wins

I've known this since yesterday afternoon, but was wondering what to say. I don't like Obama. I think he's every bit as dumb as they made G.W. Bush out to be, but with an inclination towards something very evil right from the start. (At least, the Bush Administration did not begin stumping for torture until push came to shove.)

But at least, it is a tribute to the US that a man who could have been a slave seven generations ago can now be elected President. That is part of why the US is now the greatest nation on Earth. So, congratulations to African Americans on the election of a black (mulatto?) man as president.

I just wish they chose another black man.

So, what are pro-lifers to do now that the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in US history has been elected?

Whatever the new strategy is, sign me up for the Rebel Alliance. With Obama as president, people like Lagman are going to get a lot of foreign money to promote their acrid proposals in this country.

On the bright side, its not all bad news coming out of the US.

Prop. 8 in California passed.

Same sex marriage goes down in California! Who would've thought it possible?

Sweet. :D

Most of the state's highest-profile political leaders -- including both U.S. senators and the mayors of San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles -- along with the editorial pages of most major newspapers, opposed the measure. PG&E, Apple and other companies contributed money to fight the proposition, and the heads of Silicon Valley companies including Google and Yahoo took out a newspaper ad opposing it.

On the other side were an array of conservative organizations, including the Knights of Columbus, Focus on the Family and the American Family Assn., along with tens of thousands of small donors, including many who responded to urging from Mormon, Catholic and evangelical clergy.

So, with Prop. 8. it was the big dogs vs. the little guys. And the tiny Rebel Alliance won. I think Joao would call this a "punk moment". (Oh, and screw you, Steve Jobs. I'm a PC.) 

I'll end with that note.

Quantum of Solace

Genre: Action & Adventure
A Solid Middle

James Bond continues shedding years of camp in this second installment of a revamped 007. While not as coherent and action-packed as "Casino Royale", the movie serves well as a middle movie bridging the ground-breaking first movie and what ought to be an all-out blockbuster third.

Very little of the old formula remained. The only recognizable element from the previous James Bonds were the intricate drink and the two Bond Girls (one of which is doomed to die). The gadgets are practically gone (Casino Royale still had some.). The villains are no longer theatrical. The traps...were there any traps?

The result is a more human James Bond. And the James Bond of Quantum of Solace is the most human of all. He has little suave, and his raging sexuality is surprisingly tame. He beds a grand total of one girl. This James Bond is all business, and for once he's not out to make other guys jealous of the spy lifestyle.

On the other hand, this Bond also lacks subtlety. Bond seems to be playing Grand Theft Auto. His body count is upped from the last movie.

The performances were good, but nothing really spectacular. Daniel Craig's Bond was his usual brooding self. Probably the best Bond this side of Sean Connery. Judi Dench was a presence to be reckoned with onscreen, though her time was limited. Olga Kurylenko was so wooden, Keanu Reeves is gonna feel the urge to cross-pollinate, while Gemma Arterton was smoking.

The vistas were breathtaking, from the Adriatic Coast to the Andes Mountains. Unfortunately, the quirky camera work sometimes interferes with the travelogue feel of some of the locations.

Overall, the movie did what it was supposed to do: whet everybody's appetite for the third installment of the reconstructed James Bond.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When NAMbLA met PETA...

William Saletan of Slate chronicles the rise of a another brand of sexual perversion / alternative lifestyle: zoophiles.

Zoo what?

"Zoophile" is the new "acceptable" code name for people who love animals. And I mean people who LOVE animals.

The main intellectual brain thrust for this budding movement is long-time "Philosopher of Ethics" and university household nut Peter Singer, who most recently wrote on the topic via an essay called, and I kid you not, "Heavy Petting".

If his arguments sound familiar, it is because of they are the same arguments used for the acceptance of homosexuality. Who said slippery slopes were always fallacy?

The first argument is that since we accept the premise for homosexuality, namely the validity of purposefully non-procreative sex, then there can be no objection to any non-procreative sex. Bestiality would fall under that category.

Coincidentally, this first argument did not originate with the homosexual movement. It originated with artificial contraception. So, to my fellow Filipinos, this argument will be coming to a government clinic near you, if useful idiot Edsel Lagman has his way.

The second argument is that it is not "unnatural", since cross-specie sexual activity is documented in nature. The Ass, for example, is a cross-bred donkey horse. And, if we accept the Darwinian premise that man is just another animal, we ought to abandon our "specieist" superiority complex and accept other animals as equals and potential mating partners.

That, in a nutshell, is the entire philosophical-moral argument for Bestiality. It is also the entire philosophical-moral argument (and no, sentiments are not arguments so keep that "we love each other" crap to yourself) for homosexuality. If we are to allow homosexuality, then we are to allow bestiality. Looks like the gay movement is going to get a new bed-partner.

"We can have our own Pride Parade too?"

Notice the language used by some "zoophiles" as noted in Saletan's article:

"I'm the first out-of-the-closet 'zoo' to be attacked because of my sexual orientation,"

"I'd like my significant other to attend by my side if possible as she was present in the house during the attack, though not an eyewitness to it, thank goodness," Buble wrote. "I've been informed your personal permission is needed given that my wife is not human."

The "zoos" are already using the language of the gay movement! Viva la Revolucion!

Saletan, ever the good liberal, tries to stave off this eventual partnership. He points to a philosophical principle that he says is well-defined and consistently applicable in creating a barrier between homosexuality and bestiality. That principle is the principle of consent.

After all, says Saletan, if we have statutory rape laws because we cannot recognize the consent of children, we ought to have laws against bestiality because we cannot recognize the consent of animals. Saletan then proceeds to call it game, set and match for his ideology. Liberalism for the win! 

He has a problem though. As NAMbLA well knows, age-limits are coming under siege for their arbitrary nature. (Without a metaphysical foundation, it is arbitrary. And we've been chucking metaphysical foundations out the window since Voltaire and Descartes. Or in this case, since Heather had two mommies and one of them an out-and-proud teen.) Furthermore, if the Middle Ages can have functioning wives at 14 years of age, who is to say that age-limits are written in stone? NAMbLA and PETA, sitting in a tree...

But that is the weaker argument against it. The stronger argument against Saletan's position is a question he already asked earlier in his article while mocking conservative objections to vegetarianism and bestiality: if man can kill and eat a cow, why can't he rape it?

In effect, one could ask, if we do not obtain the consent of a cow before we eat it, why do we need its consent to rape it? 

There is a ontological difference between children and animals. We never eat our children. And, we certainly will not ask a cow's permission before turning it into beef. These are two beings on opposite ends of the rational, personal spectrum. The Darwinian insistence of man's equality to animals is a fallacy that must be shed before this is understood, or we will start treating our children as animals and animals as our children. It is this, and not "consent", that is the ultimate argument against bestiality.

The thing is, it is a metaphysical argument. And when we adopt sound metaphysical arguments to prevent the rapacious monsters within us from rationalizing themselves, we will have to abjure this silly notion that purposeful non-procreative sex is a valid, licit, moral act. The "ontological shield" will save us from bestiality, but it will not save us from necrophilia, pedophilia, polygamy and other sexual perversions. Neither will the "consent shield", as age-limits do not have power if they do not have sound metaphysical reasoning behind them.

Ultimately, the best defense, and the most consistent argument, against sexual perversion is not, as Saletan claims, "consent", but the traditional preservation of procreative sex within a stable union as the only valid, licit and moral form of sex.

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Proof UK Run by the Stupids #2

Hey, guess what. The council of the city of Oxford (where the university is) just decided that it was a good idea to ban Christmas! Why? To be more fucking "inclusive", that's why. And a Merry "Winter Lights Festival" whatever to you too, good lords of Oxford. May shit forever taste like sausage in your mouths.

"Who would have thought that a city of academics would be so gullible? Ha ha!"

The funny part is, the people they sought to "include" are all up in arms. Muslims and Jews, along with Christians, have protested the exclusion of Christmas. Apparently, these guys have nothing in their traditions that would recognize a "Winter Lights Festival", so all the "inclusion" ends up excluding everybody. One would wager that those born in countries with no winter would also be protesting their exclusion.

This thing is so stupid only people exposed to Oxford, Cambridge and all the glories of higher education would buy it. After all, Oxford city is home to the university that employs this guy:

Surprise, God-fag!

Here is Oxford's Richard "If-I-were-dyslexic-I'd-hate-Dog-too" Dawkins wondering why the rest of the world thinks he and his coterie of academically inbred atheists are bat-shit insane. (Or as they put it, "shrill and strident".)  I wonder if he's ever looked into a mirror before. Don't worry, Richard. We're not that into you. You can keep your last words to yourself. Oh, by the way:

God to Oxford

Only in Oxford. Only in the UK.


If my sister Abby ever sees this: How does Oxford taste like now?

More Proof UK Run by the Stupids

Some local British councils decided to ban Latin and all its works from their own little public spheres. Why? Because those poor, poor immigrants who can't speak English will be so confused. It's elitist and discriminatory, don't you know?

Latin, an indelible part of British history and law, would be banned because a few rubes don't get all of it?

You want to know what's really elitist? A bunch of wankers sitting around telling immigrants what they're too dumb to know, before turning to citizens and demanding them to dignify the latest wanker brain fart.

To these morons:

Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum.* - Cicero

Oh, and since Latin is God's language (hah!), I'd wager He'd have a few choice words for these British imbeciles as well...

...or a gesture. A gesture works...

Oh, yeah. Sic semper tyrannis**, assholes.


Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever.

** Death to tyranny.