Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where's Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck When You Need Them?

Here's a nice, eye-opening article about stuff that could end the world in an instant.

Apparently, NASA's main priority is to build a "moon base" (with a "laser" perhaps?), while some space-oriented folk are screaming for a defense initiative against asteroids that could possibly hit Earth. Seems like NASA is run by 12 year-olds still obssessed with their Wonder Magazine subscriptions. A moon base? What will man do with a moon base? Welcome incoming alien immigrants?

On the other hand, developing stuff to blow meteors and asteroids out of the sky sounds much more fun. And if the article is to be believed, the FATE OF THE WORLD depends on it.

Heh, as long as our secret weapon ain't Ben frickin' Affleck, we'll probably be fine.


  1. I know with a moon base! We can make it a "fully armed and operational battle station" And call it the death star! hehehe

  2. Yeah, armed against Space Invaders and those blocky monsters from Galaga. Absolutely useless against anything else though.

    Let's add a laser and codename it the "Allan Parsons Project". :D

  3. They must be reading Ender's game. The scenario is all too familiar for me. Next thing we know, there will be "Buggers" attacking us.

  4. The "Laser" will be used to melt the polar ice caps and hold the world hostage for 5 million-bajillion-shcumegamilamillion Yen! Don't do it!!!
