Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And Now, Raelians!

It seems that World Youth Day in Oz has prompted some of the Catholic Church's pimpingest critics to take a day off from the asylum. The lede is already slap-tastic funny:

"A GROUP of glamour lesbians who believe the world was created by an alien civilisation 25,000 years ago have criticised the Catholic Church for being out of touch."

This is like Tom Cruise telling Mother Teresa she's "out of touch". Where the hell did the media find these quacks? Did somebody already process their passports from outer space?

And, on what planet are these hags considered "glamour"? Not even the word "lesbian" can make 'em sexy...


  1. WTF. Sounds like the Scientologists have met their match.

  2. I would rather they make a one way ticket to mars. I'm sure "glamour lesbians" are welcomed there to reproduce with "glamour aliens"

  3. This is what happens when sci-fi nerds take their fan fic too seriously.

  4. ah, the uber geek. with the unquestionable belief that he either can wield the force, or is destined to command the Enterprise.

  5. Or when they read "under the influence", hehehe....
