Thursday, July 3, 2008

Imagine There Are No...Useless Eaters...Its Easy If You Try

I've been trying to get a hold of some science stories around the web in preparation for writing a sci-fi short story for that Neil Gaiman Fully Booked thing. Sometimes, I come across stuff that makes my blood run cold.

This article is one of them.

The title looks upbeat enough: "Baby to be born free of breast cancer after embryo screening."

No more breast cancer for baby! Hooray!

Wait a minute...embryo screening?

" The couple produced 11 embryos, of which five were found to be free from the gene. Two of these were implanted in the woman’s womb and she is now 14 weeks pregnant."

Okay, so what happened to the other nine? Now, I know the elementary question of "when does life begin" provokes hissy fits, but come on. What did they think the human being was between conception and birth? A chicken egg? As a former embryo, who probably has a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's, I find this genetic pre-natal genocide of the "unclean" to be very disturbing.

I suppose these parents didn't want their designer "perfect" baby to grow up like these poor unfortunate souls.

When they came for the Jews, I never spoke up, for I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for the embryos, I never spoke up, for I was never an...wait a minute...



  1. very nice ending, man. way to drive the point home.

  2. I highly recommend watching the "Useless Eaters" presentation.
