Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Over the Hill

At MSN, I stumbled onto this list of 10 artists who should stop making records. Quite funny.

I agree with the writer regarding the following artists:

Now a mass of ugly girl muscles, the gracelessly aging Madonna should just put the toys away and start acting like a respectable grandma. If my grandma ever went out in her undies and got herself fake-crucified, I'd think somebody's due for the nursing home. In any case, nothing good ever came out of her once she started spouting stupid mysticisms.

Bryan Adams
I'll be kinder than the writer and say that I at least found Summer of '69 entertaining. However, this guy should just stick to photography and banging younger chicks.

The Rolling Stones
I'm just afraid Mick Jagger's gonna keel over and die in the middle of one of their tours. That would leave Keith Richards as the last drug-addled Ent in the forest.

Elton John
While the article said all that needed to be said about Elton John musically, I'm hoping for a different kind of self-restraint. I'm just hoping he'd shut up. Everytime he voices a public opinion, I feel like I'm being lectured by the guy who wrote fucking "Levon". (Wait, that was him, wasn't it?) This makes me want to curl up in a corner and ask God why there's evil in the world.

Carly Simon
You're so vain. You think this industry's about you?

Def Leppard
Led Zeppelin in back on tour, man! What? No? Def who?

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