Monday, January 12, 2009

The Rage of Children

Social conservatives are probably the last people on Earth to praise a guy like Eminem.

But, lo and behold, here's one. And it's a really interesting article.

The article was written in 2004, so the references may be kind of dated. But, since I'm not a rock historian, I will only say that I do find the correlation between the anger in rock, punk and rap and the increase in marital and familial breakdown in the US to be quite sensible. After all, in the movie "8 Mile", Rabbit's biggest diss in his boss fight battle rap was to suggest that the other fellow had no right to be an angry rapper because he went to college and his parents were still together.

The rage of Eminem, Papa Roach, et al is the rage of the abandoned child. It is a visceral reaction, like dogs barking at abusive masters. And the adults were too busy blaming the bands to see that this is so. 

As the old generation passes and we take its place, I pray we don't make the same mistake. And I pray we take steps to rectify the old wounds the previous generation has inflicted on us.

Ban divorce. And where it already is, let it stay banned.

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