Monday, January 26, 2009

The Culture War's American Branch of the Rebel Alliance

Last Friday, Mr. Obama fulfilled his sacred oath to the bloodthirsty gods of modern culture by revoking the Mexico City Policy, essentially allowing US government funds to go to abortion efforts around the world. (Rep. Lagman just had a mini orgasm. More money for his initiatives.)

Obama: "We will outlast you... We will not let you threaten our way of life!" (Inauguration Speech, Jan. 19, 2009)

However, there are signs that Mr. Obama's dance with intrinsic evil will not go unopposed. Say what you will about arrogant Americans, but at least they are still a people who can recognize a grave evil and give voice against it. High and mighty Europe won't even discuss abortion, assuming it some god-given right. (What a hellish deity that must be....)

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court decision that, like Dred Scott more than a hundred years before it, took away the humanity of an entire group of human beings, several hundred thousand people converged on Washington DC for an event called March for Life. It was just a few days after that orgiastic inauguration, but the sight of several hundred thousand (usually under-counted) people marching against a cornerstone of Obama's laundry list of promises ought to tell him that the abortion wars are not going away in the age of Hopenchange.

As usual, much of mainstream media ignored the huge rally. After all, the magnates of mainstream media have been licking Obama's almighty boots since he first announced his candidacy. (Days like this I thank God for Fox News and alternative media.)

But, even if they must fight under shadow, it is glad to see that the Rebel Alliance is alive and well in the US. Hopefully, the looming silhouette of cultural collapse can convince the Europeans to form some of their own.

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