Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One Sign an Entire People is Tempting Extinction... when that society cares more about freaking seal pups than they do about their own children.

Maybe we can make these seals Canadian citizens...except that would mean aborting them would be legal.

Maybe we really should send all of our nurses, domestic helpers and other OFW's to Canada. That way, once the native population collapses under the weight of its own collective myopia, we can annex our first ever trans-oceanic colony!


  1. Trans-oceanic colony, that sounds very Broo-tall...

  2. Ever heard of that seal they supposedly rescued from poachers in Norway? They rehabilitated it for months before releasing it to the Arctic sea in a huge ceremony.

    Approximately 10 seconds later, a killer whale emerged from the icy waters and ate the seal. LOL!

  3. The whale probably violated several international statutes. Circle of life.
