Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thank you, Mr. Roboto...

I was reading through this article in National Review (yes, I bleed Conservative), when on the last page, I came across this:

"But then Morrison was caught in a sex scandal involving a woman who worked in the Johnson County DA’s office. Allegedly, he wanted to use the woman as a mole to influence Kline’s investigation of Planned Parenthood, but she refused to go along. Morrison resigned in disgrace, but Sebelius appointed another political ally, a judge named Stephen Six who has continued the Sebelius jihad against not only Kline’s prosecution, but against Kline personally." (Italics mine.)

Hehe, not only is the governor of Kansas named like a Sith Lord (Darth Sebelius, lol!!), her ally sounds like he has a model number rather than an actual name. So, for all the jokes about Dick Cheney being Darth Vader and Terminator rolled into one, the Democrats may well get Darth Sebelius and her Terminator model Stephen 6 in their vice presidential slot for the upcoming election. Talk about the new boss being no different from the old boss. I can't wait for Stephen 6's face to melt and reveal the machine within...

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