Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Genre: Kids & Family
When it comes to movies, some studios strive mightily to keep setting the bar higher and higher. Dreamworks Animation isn't one of them.

Granted, Kung Fu Panda will keep the kiddies laughing. It is serviceable as family fare, and mom and dad won't have to cringe their way through. And, the visuals are gorgeous. Stunning visuals are, after all, a Dreamworks trademark.

But beyond the candy trappings, this is essentially a movie created around finding another reason to play Carl Douglas' "Kung Fu Fighting" in theaters.

Studio Executive: Hey, I know what sells. Kung Fu! *begins singing "Kung Fu Fighting"*
Studio Executive 2: And cute animals! Kids love cute animals!
Studio Executive 1: Kung Fu fighting with cute animals? Money!
Studio Executive 2: How do we pitch it?
Studio Executive 1: It pitches itself! I mean, c'mon! Who can resist?
Studio Executive 2: We need a tag line.
Studio Executive 1: How about..."Prepare for awesomeness"...
Studio Executive 2: That's not even a word...
Studio Executive 1: So? Imagine Jack Black saying it...
Studio Executive 2: Who?
Studio Executive 1: Fat man-child with a guitar and delusions of sex appeal.
Studio Executive 2: Perfect...
Studio Executive 1: To production! *sings Kung Fu Fighting again*

Beyond the comedic stylings of Mr. Black, the movie looks as if it was a bunch of rendered action sequences painstakingly cobbled together by underpaid and overworked story editors. The story must rely on tired tropes: the old master, the fat slob who can suddenly kung fu after a few sessions of ancient Far Eastern juju, a wisecracking monkey, Angelina Jolie in another stupefying grrrl power role, etc. etc. Pixar probably takes a couple of years developing its stories to perfection. For Dreamworks, story is an afterthought.

Overall, another film to have you salivating for Pixar's Wall.E.

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