Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leading the Brave New World is...fucking Quebec?

Interesting article here from MercatorNet. Apparently, before Canada caught that nasty plague of Radix Faecal Encephalopathy in the year of our Lord 1968 (along with the rest of the West), this quaint little Canadian province already had a terminal case. I suppose it pays to be avant-garde. These guys are French, after all. Before the rest of the world knew the joys of bra-burning, legal infanticide and "free love", Quebec was already laying the groundwork.

I dunno, there is just something funny about a country's version of generation '68 taking its cue from the intellectual leading light that is Quebec, home of Celine Dion and punching bag of comic dogs everywhere. Apparently, it will now also be the home of "normative pluralism", a happy, adolescent ideology that will tell French-Canadian kiddies that it is okay to pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, as long as you don't, you know, actually believe the stuff about redemption, salvation, morality and shit.

It's like basing an entire social and civilizational philosophy on Woodstock. Oh, wait...fuck.

Damn you, Baby Boomers!!

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