Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Science Fiction on CSI

Now, I know I shouldn't be surprised when my TV lies to me, but I expect my lies to come from certain TV places, like NBC nightly news. However, this one came from CSI. No, not CSI: Miami, which is well-known for inventing gizmos to suit deus ex machina. It was CSI the original, by reputation the most sober of the franchise (though that's disintegrating fast...).

In the episode I saw tonight, the denoument shows Grissom, with his adoring team surrounding him, beginning his little pontification with a solemn declaration that "there are no coincidences". (The episode was kinda surreal.) And, he begins explaining the connectedness of the entire wierd little plot by saying that there is a theory of everything. And what is this theory? String theory.


String fucking theory.

Grissom's big theory is a little bit of science fiction that hinges on the existence of a "multiverse" to remain feasible. The theory is so complex, it cannot make itself believable unless we are willing to swallow the Twilight Zone as fact. Calculations gone wrong? Hey, it may be a parallel universe! Booyah!

I can't believe CSI is marketing this crap as genuine science. If this is "science", then those bastards have lost all rights to criticize us "religious nutjobs" for our beliefs. They take this mess as truth, even if it is impossible to empirically verify and falsify. (Like evolution...never mind.) If the scientist can take leaps of faith like string theory, then they'd better be willing to acknowledge the validity of the belief in God. "God made it" is certainly just as plausible as a "multiverse". Hehe. who ever said deus ex machina was just a literary concept?