Friday, October 2, 2009

We Are Not Born of Apes!

A discovery in Ethiopia just turned several decades of indoctrinated conventional wisdom on its head. Man did not descend from chimps, or any sort of great ape for that matter.

Rather, man and ape branched off from a common ancestor, and whatever is unique in human beings evolved separately from the great apes, who have evolved in their own line. 

The skeleton of an early human who lived 4.4 million years ago shows that humans did not evolve from chimpanzee-like ancestors, researchers reported on Thursday.

Instead, the missing link -- the common ancestor of both humans and modern apes -- was different from both, and apes have evolved just as much as humans have from that common ancestor, they said.

This discovery puts to rest the notion that, through dumb evolutionary luck (or "random natural selection", if you're a jargon-chewing neo-Darwinist), some chimp grew up to be Mozart.

"Ardi" is clearly a human ancestor and her descendants did not grow up to be chimpanzees or other apes, the researchers report in the journal Science.

She had an ape-like head and opposable toes that allowed her to climb trees easily, but her hands, wrists and pelvis show she strode like a modern human and did not knuckle-walk like a chimp or a gorilla.

"People have sort of assumed that modern chimpanzees haven't evolved very much, that the last common ancestor was more or less like a chimpanzee and that it's been ... the human lineage ... that's done all the evolving," White said.

But "Ardi" is "even more primitive than a chimpanzee," White said.

So, whatever man is, he is a creation unique in all the world, clearly distinct from the great apes or any other creature. The ape is not, and never will be, our equal. The implications of this discovery are tremendous, not least of which is that it puts to rest this absurd notion of apes being our "forefathers" and deserving of equal rights. Those Spanish retards parliamentarians (and I apologize to retards for the odious comparison) who foolishly gave "rights" to primates on a whim of philosophical and moral stupidity must all get egg baths in the morning.

So, stand proud, and know that God never intended any of your ancestors to develop the lovely habit of throwing shit at passersby for lulz.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Gen. 2: 7)

Human exceptionalism rides again! Oh, and another thing...

**** you! You're not my father!


  1. matutuwa ang nanay ko sa balitang ito. hehehe.

  2. Actually, I thought that the idea of man and ape sharing a common ancestor already is conventional wisdom. I mean, wasn't that the reason why there's so much fuss about finding the missing link?

  3. The conventional wisdom was that the common ancestor was an ape. Thus, "man evolved from apes".

    After this discovery, that is no longer the case. Whatever the missing link is, it's not an ape, and not much of a link, no more than there is a link between dogs and cats (who at some point in deep prehistory, shared ancestors).

  4. Seriously speaking though, another crack in the head for "conventional wisdomers"
