Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Benedict XVI Outflanks Rowan Williams

Years after Catholic - Anglican dialogue ground to a halt over the issue of female ordination, the Pope finally maneuvers around the Archbishop of Canterbury to be able to reach the Anglicans he can talk to.

How did he do such a feat?

Bulling past all obstacles, from a conflicted Archbishop of Canterbury (who has all the leadership effectiveness of a floppy fish) to his own professional ecumenists who recoil at the prospect of actually trying to gain converts, the Pope has authorized an Apostolic Constitution that would allow entire Anglican factions to come over to Rome, retaining their liturgy and, on a case-by-case basis, their married clergy. 

By going through the CDF (the former Inquisition) instead of the ecumenical arm of the Church in order to make this happen, the Pope has shown that he is not afraid to sacrifice some shallow "good will" in order to slake the spiritual hunger of a suffering minority.

Plus, the Pope has shown that waffling pantywaist of an archbishop of Canterbury what spiritual leadership looks like. If you spend more time harping on global warming that speaking of Christ, the Christians under you will find someone willing to do otherwise.

Dude, where's my congregation?

In the interest of fairness, the Church can just send over those disaffected liberal Catholics who thought Christ died for your right to remain a perpetual adolescent. That should cover it.


  1. Galing mo pare, pareho kayo ng iniisip ng Papa! Weren't we just talking about this a few blogs ago? It almost looks as if ecumenism as a movement was just a passing trend after all.

  2. Ecumenism is nice if you have something to say. If all you can say to each other is limited to how nice the weather must be, then ecumenism becomes an exercise in futility.

    The Anglican Communion has long ceased to have anything to say as a body (though some small Anglican groups do try to retain some semblance of doctrine), so the Pope decided not to bother. Who knows, it might actually shake the Communion up.

    Cool, eh?
