Saturday, October 10, 2009

Random Thoughts on the Week at Large 10.11.09

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. So, if you have to have cancer, make it breast cancer. If you have prostate cancer, you are outside our awareness.


I know Breast Cancer Awareness month is the product of a feminist Tupperware party, but I get the feeling that the only reason men have gone along with it for so long is that the word "breast" is in it.

I mean, of all the other cancers that are far deadlier and kill more people in the world, why breast cancer? The answer, I believe, is in advertising.


Jeremy Clarkson is right about the dumbing down of Britain. Jeremy Clarkson is the Man. If I ever get the local equivalent of professorial tenure, I'd like to be Jeremy Clarkson. It doesn't make sense, but the world would be more awesome with more Jeremy Clarkson in it.


Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner? Hey, if even Hitler could get nominated, why not? Sure, it's preposterous, but you won't be laughing once Obama gets an Oscar for Best Screenplay for some scribbles he wrote on a napkin.


Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize does have a positive aspect. (And no, I'm not kidding.) After all, in 1973, the US Supreme Court decided in Roe v. Wade that "potential" did not have the right to life. Now, we're giving peace prizes to "potential". So, it's progress, I suppose. (OK, so I am kidding.)


I'm not George W. Bush too. I can potentially be a force for peace, too. Where's my Nobel, Mr. Jagland? 


In the online version of National Review, Mark Steyn does a number on Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize. I note this, however, mainly because of this line on el Presidente's domestic and foreign problems:

Why squander your presidency on trying to turn an economically moribund feudal backwater into a functioning nation state when you can turn a functioning nation state into an economically moribund feudal backwater?


Steyn also calls attention to a woman (obviously an academic) who defends Obama's prize by saying:

“I’m afraid I’ve registered into a very conversative [sic], fear-based world here but I’d like to suggest the incredible notion we all create our worlds in our conversations. What are you building by maligning rather than creating discourses for workability? Bravo to Obama and others working for people, however it appears to cynics.”

What the fuck does "creating discourses for workability" even mean? Sadly, the academe is filled with people who seem to have only heard of planet Earth from a poorly-made vacation brochure. I've encountered enough of them (not that many in UA&P, thank goodness) to know to just say "Live long and prosper" and just get the hell out of the way.


In an Inquirer (print) article, some talking (writing?) head wrote an article about an exchange between four Philippine presidential candidates and representatives of local government units. The guy billed it as a "big government vs. small government" forum, a la the US Presidential Debates. However, judging from the questions the writer reported, it was less "big government vs. small government", and more "big pork vs. small pork". I'm a "small government" guy myself, and  saw none of the issues in such a debate tackled, at least, as far as the reporter goes. This goes to show you how careless Inquirer reporters are when they play with big words.


The same writer said that Noynoy differentiated himself from Villar, Gibo and Escudero by standing up instead of sitting down when answering questions.

Quick! Somebody get Noynoy a Nobel!


Conrado de Quiros has jumped the shark. Humped it too.


Last night, we drank to life. I thought it was cute.

I was waiting for us to sing "Tradition!", but "Fiddler on the Roof" was too snotty for such a manly night.


But then again, how did "Hands Down" qualify? Oh yeah, Bok.

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