Monday, October 12, 2009


Once more, "Newspaper Dance" the Flood Play hangs like string upon a knife's edge. Whereas before, the play could not go on for lack of a venue, it is now threatened by a potential lack of actresses.

Kaye, a victim of the recent typhoon, has to catch up on a lot of school work before she leaves for the States on the 24th. The overwhelming amount of requirement shuffling has threatened her participation in the play.

Rachelle is caught up in a similar (but less dramatic) dilemma. She is part of "Serapio", as a marketing-type person, and that takes some of her time. The fact that "Serapio" is now going to show practically alongside our production (an altogether different nightmare on its own) due to the postponement by Ondoy, will eat into her participation in "Newspaper Dance" the Flood Play. Plus, her dad wants her to concentrate on tennis and violin lessons over the sem break, which is a critical time for our rehearsals.

Both ladies told me today that they were quitting.

And it took whatever personal charisma I had left (and trust me, there's not much to begin with) to keep them both on board.

Its too late to find alternates. Either we hold together, or Newspaper Dance the Flood Play becomes Brokeback Bench starring Miko and Jonas.

I don't know who is cursed, me or the play. It's a hair's breadth from going tits up.

To all VIARE folk out there, pray that Kaye and Rachelle can remain on board for the duration. Otherwise, the production will be very short and you'll miss out on the rule of threes.

Fucking typhoon messed everything up.

If I become hard to contact, blame my phone. I don't know what's wrong with it. First, the stick gets stuck. Then everything's hypersensitive. Earlier, while resting in my breast pocket, it started calling Rachelle on its own. Thrice.

My phone is in love with my actress.

Betcha never thought you'd ever read that sentence in English, ever, didn't you?

Or, I could be wrong, and it's just in love with Rachelle's iPhone. It's out of your league, fucker.


  1. So I'm still not getting my show eh? Well let's hope for the best. See who's free over sembreak and I'll ask around.

  2. Do not despair yet. We still have them, and I will hold this ship right for as long as I can.

  3. My phone is selectively filtering texts. I get some, but sometimes it doesn't get any at all. fucking technology.

  4. love will find a way. go cellphone romance!

  5. meta reply.

    "My phone is in love with my actress."

    technology win!

  6. You'd think my phone would hook me up, but nooooo....

  7. all it's interested in hooking up.... is itself...
