Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Because the Dear Leader Needs Hymns

The cult of Obama has little children singing his praises.

Check out the hymn to the Dear Leader:
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!
President Obama--We say
Yes we can!
President Obama--I say
Yes I can!
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!

Barack Obama--Oh yes he rates,
The first Black President in the United States!
He's smart and he's--so so good!
He'll lead this country as he should!
He wants us all to work together,
To make this country even better!
Prez' Obama says--"Yes We Can!"
Make the US better--hand in hand!

President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama
What the fuck...

Who in the world do they think this guy is? George Washington in blackface?

A narcissist whose waning charms fail to bring the Olympics to his home town, gets bullied around by Russia and Iran, and silences generals who disagree with what passes for his war "strategy" does not deserve such patently cultish treatment. Heck, not even a GOOD president deserves as much, at least, until he gains the immortality of history. Obama is the farthest thing from a good American president. Oh, Heaven help us if we ever have our kids singing panegyrics to GMA, or whoever nutjob gets the post after the elections.

Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone!!

(Wow, I'm actually agreeing with Pink Floyd lyrics. Yes we can!)


Wasn't Clinton the first "black" US President? 

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