Sunday, March 15, 2009

World's Cheapest Contract Killing

According to this NY Times article lamenting the dwindling number of abortion specialists:

The average cost for a first-trimester abortion — surgery that typically involves a four-hour stay — was $413 in 2006, said Rachel Jones, a senior researcher at the Guttmacher Institute. Ruth Arick, an abortion care consultant, said: “At many clinics, fees have not changed much since the mid-1970s. The cost was $175 then and I can still find you an abortion for that price in Detroit and Miami.”

Kill 'em young, kill 'em cheap. Maybe it's because a fetus doesn't have that many mob contacts and won't fight back. Either way, world's cheapest hitlist.

But, some of the article's most interesting lines come at the end.

After 33 years, Ms. Baker doesn’t worry, but she is still cautious, having the guard escort her to her car during periods when anti-abortion protest historically flares up — Christmas and Easter; the Jan. 22 Roe v. Wade anniversary; Mother’s Day. Her greatest joy is when a woman tells her, “You make me feel like I’m not a bad person.” Her biggest disappointment is how little has changed since the 1970s. “I used to hope some day, instead of people being so scared and ashamed, that the taint, the stigma, would stop. It has not.”

Wow. Holy Murder Enablers, Batman, she's happiest when she makes a woman "feel" nice about herself for killing her unborn child. It's like a meth zombie telling his dealer "thanks for not making me feel guilty about being a meth zombie". I like her biggest disappointment, though. It seems that women, and the rest of us with the other genitalia, still feel shame over killing little people, and this makes this abortionist feel bad. Who will enable the enabler? Awww, cry me a river.

I hope we continue to treat abortionists the way even pro-slavery Southern society treated slavers; as disgusting people we wouldn't want to have contact with unless absolutely necessary. And, may we one day treat the historical memory of abortionists the same way good people treat the momery of slavers; glad that their kind is dead and buried.

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