Monday, March 16, 2009

And They Said George Bush Was Stupid...

President Superman on reversing Bush's stem cell research policy:

"Our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values,"

What?  So, there is no choice at all to be made between sound science and moral values? How can somebody elected to the most powerful and influential position on the planet say something so utterly vapid? At least, "misunderestimate" was funny. This is just plain stupid. And that is the charitable interpretation. Because, only two kinds of people can give a statement like that with any level of sincerity: (a) one who is too stupid and naive to know better, or (b) someone who knows it is true because he has no moral values whatsoever.

I'll use stem cells to make me fly! - Obama

"Sound" science involves such wonderful methodology as Dr. Josef "Angel of Death" Mengele's real time experiments with Jewish prisoners, as well as trial runs for the virtues of electroshock therapy. "Sound" science gave us nuclear weapons, Jew-tracking databases, weaponized gas and lobotomy. Anybody with a working knowledge of 20th century history knows that there are occasions wherein one must make a bloody choice between science and moral values. 

If Obama is simply naive and highly misinformed, then can we please stop the "Bush is a moron" jokes? Because there is ample joke fodder sitting in the White House. If Obama is, indeed, bereft of any moral values beyond what science dictates to him, then Heaven help us all. We're just a few steps left to Soylent Green.

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