Sunday, March 22, 2009

Term Limits for Tenured Morons

Here's a predictable American academic, howling out in his comfortable intellectual wilderness, that because of the Church teaching on contraception and condoms, this Pope should be impeached. And, yes, this old bean considers himself Catholic, for some odd reason.

As I detail in my latest book, "Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America" (Crown), the cardinal sin of the Catholic Church -- a literally deadly sin, if ever there was one -- is its opposition to birth control. Far from being, as the Church contends, part of its moral doctrine, this policy is, plainly, the immoral doctrine of the Church. The use of condoms is a pro-life position.

I know he's selling a book. But, this crank sounds like the equivalent of Galileo declaring the world to be a mound of cheese. Condoms, whose sole purpose is to prevent the interaction of two bodily fluids, are suddenly "pro-life"? Why, because of the spectacular rate of "success" they've had in African countries where they are the sole solution to fighting HIV? It boggles the mind, what hoops idiots will jump through to stroke a pet shaft.

When the world's most pressing problem is a coming demographic implosion that could worsen an already shaky economic situation, the best thing a so-called academic can come up with is this nonsense? This is ostrich mentality. Although, ostriches do occasionally pop their heads out of the sand.

One of these is supposed to be sentient. My money's on the feathered one.

Let me offer up a counter-proposal. Term limits for tenured morons. This stupidity ought to be grounds for a shit-canning.

And one of these to the face, for good measure. Thanks, Mr. Bale!

Plus, this article made the website of a well-known newspaper. The newspaper industry cannot die fast enough.


  1. Let me guess the title of your next blog. "Notre Dame is Run by the Stupids". We're waiting ;-)

  2. It's been done several times over already. :P
