Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Censorship Could Have Helped This Guy

Some college play directors are just too damn stupid* to be allowed to make their own creative decisions.

"It is being said often that this play is a direct attack on Christians — their faith and their deity. It simply is not true," wrote Otte, 26, who said he is a devout Christian.

"I am not attacking anyone in choosing this play. I want people to see and understand another side to faith. I want us all to know that unconditional love means just that -- unconditional -- and I believe tolerance is a key message in this play. None of us, not one of us, should ever feel alone or separated from God or whomever we believe in."

The play is about a gay Jesus. How in the fuck is that not an attack on foundational Christian doctrine? All that tolerance bullshit is just toilet paper on dirty ass. This "other side of faith" is not faith at all, but mere anti-religious preening.

UA&P may be restrictive, but not even our most flamboyantly gay director would be able to get away with this kind of mind-blowing stupidity.

Unfortunately for this small town college, the stupidity is like the rage virus. Too contagious.

"This is academia, and one of the attributes of academia is cultural diversity," he told WFAA News. "Having this shown is something we should embrace as college students."

I don't think "cultural diversity" means what this student thinks it means. It certainly doesn't mean having to contaminate the environment with so much hot air that it offends more cultures than it embraces. (In fact, what kind of dumb-ass culture would embrace this play? Probably one worth seeing extinct.) If college students are required to embrace this crap on principle, then we'd better start re-thinking the usefulness of college.

One more reason I'm glad I studied here.

*The article has a pretty barf-worthy photo.

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