Saturday, May 30, 2009

From My "International Organizations are Useless" Files....

The UN, guiding light of nations, had this to say about Nicaragua's fetal protection laws:

The United Nations (UN) committee charged with monitoring compliance with the Convention Against Torture has declared that Nicaragua’s full protection of fetal life violates the country’s obligations under the Convention. This is the first time this committee has reviewed Nicaragua since that government outlawed abortion for any reason three years ago.

So, according to our dear leaders in the UN, being pro-life now constitutes "torture".

Almost makes you want to waterboard a blue hat, just to show these benighted morons what torture actually looks like.

Why are we members of this paper tiger again?


  1. I'm just wondering when they'll consider getting a girl pregnant an act of torture.

    ...'cause it seems like we're heading there.

  2. well if you are doing the whole face off face touching thing I think that's torture...

  3. Only if you're either John Travolta or Nicholas Cage.

  4. Yeah. We have much to unlearn from the old days. lol!
