Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Monster and the Betrayer

Last Sunday, the Prince of Lies stepped onto a Catholic campus.

Last Sunday, despite protests from bishops and alumni, Fr. John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame University, gave the most pro-death president in US history an honorary doctorate in Law. And he did so in front of all of Notre Dame's current batch of graduates.

If there is an event that can better illustrate a religious university's fall from grace, a fall from such stratospheric heights, I cannot think of another. Maybe Georgetown can give Charles Manson a doctorate in theology just to top this one, but I don't know.

Notre Dame University used to be the intellectual heart of Catholic America. Built by French priests to educate the Irish Catholic underclass groaning under the weight of American progress (as evidenced by their "Fighting Irish" moniker), the school was instrumental in developing a distinct Catholic counter-culture that would inevitably allow Roman Catholicism to go mainstream in American life.

But that seemed like so many lifetimes ago.

Today, in the person of Fr. Jenkins and his moronic attempt at appeasement, the university has betrayed its Master. For thirty silver pieces (I heard ND got a government-funded science building just recently), it has turned its back on a history of Catholic life.

It was one thing to honor an office. It is a whole other thing to bestow credibility on the mandates of whoever man or monster holds it. To call him a doctor of the law, whilst he proclaims unjust and disastrous laws, is beyond the giving of mere respects; it is outright prostitution. However, the betrayal was just the veneer on the surface.

More than just throwing flowers at the feet of the chief death-eater of the West, more than just courtesy given to a titled man, the amassed crowd of graduates, beacons of America's near future, screamed in adulation.

It was monstrous. Just watching them on video was enough.

From the New York Times:

When a man sitting in the rafters of the stadium began shouting, the crowd drowned him out, and he was taken away by security officers. Three other men stood up one at a time within the next few minutes shouting “abortion is murder” and “stop killing our children.” The crowd responded by shouting, “Yes, we can,” Mr. Obama’s campaign slogan, and “We are N.D.,” a Notre Dame chant.

A few protesters shout "abortion is murder".

And the crowd responds with the death-eater's seductive mantra. "Yes, We Can!"

Stop Killing Our Children.

Yes, We Can.

Like a din of howling jackals, the future of America proclaims its willingness to destroy its progeny. Evil like this corrupts everything it touches. I read a remark somewhere that during the silence of the speech itself, the only sound from the crowd was an unruly baby crying in the crowd. I cannot think of a more poignant protest.

The West has made far too many deals with the devil. Witness the chief death eater's response to the supposed call for "dialogue" that prompted poor, witless Father Jenkins to play ball with Mephistopheles:

Because no matter how much we may want to fudge it _ indeed, while we know that the views of most Americans on the subject are complex and even contradictory _ the fact is that at some level, the views of the two camps are irreconcilable.

Make no mistake. For all of the death eater's talk of "civil tones", there will be NO dialogue. Water can never be dry and famine can never be bountiful. Even the basest fool knows that. Father Jenkins sold his and his school's soul for thirty silver pieces, and on the whole still got nothing in return. Such is the folly of dealing with the devil.

Abortion is murder.

Yes, we can.

Amidst the howling applause of moral imps, the devil must have basked in the victory of a hellish vision, as one stage is shared by monster and betrayer alike on a Sabbath day. Sunday was a fine day to start believing in Satan.

Pity them, though.

Ultimately, the joke's on them. All of them.

We will hold the line.

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