Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Wonder What More Do These People Want....

So, the Pope is in the middle of a combustible jaunt down in the Middle East, touring the conflict triangle of Israel, Palestine and Jerusalem. Now, I appreciate how sensitive this whole thing can be, and how every little snot bubble the Pope blows out of his nose and every little cough he lets out will be parsed to mind-numbing interpretative silliness by an increasingly moronic media.

However, allow me to speak in French and say, "Israel, what the fuck?"

First off, let me issue the practically legally necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-Semitic. I am a fan of Israel. Just reading about the exploits of the Mossad is enough to give me a testosterone-induced high. Plus, I support their efforts to crush whatever Arabic twat wants to annihilate them from the face of the Earth.

Second, I'd give a similar "what the fuck" reaction to some of the missteps on the Palestinian side of things, but it is tiring to scream profanities at every bit of stupidity issuing forth from the minds of lunatic extremists, considering the large volume of filth that flows down that river of crazy. Letting a bloodthirsty so-called "moderate" crash an interfaith meeting is sort of to be expected from this bunch of loonies.

So, I will take issue with Israel, or at least, some Israelis. These are people who ought to know better.

My advice to these pantywaists who get all red-faced over the lack of apology in the Pope;'s beautifully composed Yad Vashem speech can be summarized as thus:

1. The Church has NOTHING to apologize for when it comes to the Holocaust. As one commenter in the Post article puts it, if the Church has to apologize for something this far detached from anything She has ever taught, then Jews should apologize for Jewish Bolshevism and the millions Lenin and Stalin slaughtered. But nobody is stupid enough to stretch things to that extent. Why should you get to do it?

2. Stop getting your talking points from Communist propaganda plays designed to smear the name of a Pope who had always been your ally. Pius XII never encouraged the Holocaust, and did more for Jews than all the efforts of Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg combined ten times over. You have an entire forest and the words of your national giants to stand testimony to that. You would choose the words of some idiotic communist playwright over that of the great Golda Meir?

3. The SSPX is not yet part of the Catholic Church and Bishop Williamson has not been given a free pass for his anti-Semitic twaddle.

4. This Pope is one of the best things happening for you in a Europe that is slowly beginning to sound like pre-World War 2 Germany. There is a reason why your enemies keep painting the Pope's visit as a propaganda victory for you! The Pope has already risked alienating his Christian Arab flock just to be in Yad Vashem. Speaking of which....

5. This kind of bullshit only ensures that being a friend of the Jews becomes harder and harder for any Pope. You've already driven most of the Arab Christians into the arms of the Palestinian loonies, whose abuses towards Christians can always be mitigated by pointing at stupidity like this from the supposedly democratic and Christian-friendly Israel. The first rule when in a hole is to stop digging. Stop asking for apologies over an event that the party you want to apologize had nothing to do with.

Israel has enough internal and external problems that threaten its future. It does not want to eliminate one of the last true friends it has in the West.

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