Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yeah, It's Our Fault Women Don't Cook Anymore

Feminist nuttiness is a deep well indeed.

New York Times food critic Michael Pollan approvingly notes that one of the authors he is reviewing has criticized feminists for the denigrated eating habits that have become the norm across the United States. On the third page:

In a challenge to second-wave feminists who urged women to get out of the kitchen, Flammang suggests that by denigrating “foodwork”—everything involved in putting meals on the family table—we have unthinkingly wrecked one of the nurseries of democracy: the family meal. It is at “the temporary democracy of the table” that children learn the art of conversation and acquire the habits of civility—sharing, listening, taking turns, navigating differences, arguing without offending—and it is these habits that are lost when we eat alone and on the run. “Civility is not needed when one is by oneself.”

This, of course, did not sit well with the sisterhood. One particular harpy bares her fangs:

Blaming feminism for luring women out of the kitchen, stealing the ritual of the family meal, and thereby diminishing "one of the nurseries of democracy" is both simplistic and ridiculous. It's true that shared meals are powerful spaces for building relationships and "the habits of civility." But if we're going to talk about who's to blame for our current culture of processed food, why not blame untold generations of men for not getting into the kitchen, especially given Pollan's characterization of the family meal as having a meaningful role in cultivating democracy? If it's so important, why is their absence excusable?

Yeah, the fall of the family kitchen is the man's fault because he didn't cook. Why, I'm sure that they can magically conjure up food items at will, just like the 50's housewife....

Once more, the feminists destroy something and blame it on men. Fucking retards.

The answer to Ms. Clark's question is that it was the men who busted their asses to provide the food that the wife will make for the family. They are absent because somebody has to shoot the hog, or harvest the crops, or go through the industrial grind, in order to bring home something to prepare in the kitchen. That was their role. It only so happened that one day, they delivered the goods and there was nobody there to recieve them. That is not the man's fault.

While the feminists tricked women into upending the division of labor and going after men's jobs, men are not going to just roll over and give up what they've spent millenia doing. Furthermore, men have not picked up the slack in house chores because, seriously, a man can be quite happy in a pig sty. The feminists may have tricked women into wanting to become men, but the trick doesn't work the other way around.

So, welcome to processed blah eaten in front of the TV, feminists. That is your handiwork. 

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