Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Would It Be Better as "Iron Person"?

A feminist professor on Ms. Magazine, further (unintentionally) proving Eve Ensler's theory that women are not cut out for intellectual work, goes on an estrogen-tinged rampage against the Iron Man franchise.

You know you're doing something right when the hysterical feminist establishment unleashes the harpies on you.

Politically incorrect and loving it!

The pseudo-academic gossip gaggle about "weaponizing the male body" is funny enough (brought to you by the same people who interpreted Frodo's stabbing Shelob as "Patriarchy!!!"), but the best part is right up there on the first sentence:

It’s right there in the title: Iron MAN, not meaning “human” but male.

Before spewing her ignorance on things Iron Man, she decides to be fair and presents herself as a blubbering moron right off the bat. At least, that's sort of courteous.

Personally, I pity her 13 year old son. By the looks of it, he'll be growing up with an insane parent who wished he had a vagina.

And yes, Tony Stark is right, the liberal agenda is boring as hell.

Maybe I should go watch the movie a third time.

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