Thursday, May 13, 2010

Where Do I Sign the "Fuck Cannes" Petition?

The media is in a self-righteous huff when trying to take down sleazy bishops who move pedophile priests with decade-old cases around.

But when its an entertainment figure like Roman Polanski, Cannes filmmakers circle the wagons to protect him and try to get his case dismissed because it was decades old. Of course, this further proves how useless filmmakers are. At least, even sleazy bishops preside over vast works of charity. And sleazy bishops can be confronted. No, its only these self-important filmmakers who are above moral indignation.

And where is the media in all this? Where the fire-breathing hatchet jobs, the thundering op-eds and the call for boycott of these preening auteurs? If the media were as consistent in their treatment of all who abet child abuse as they were in their Catholic scandal coverage, maybe I'd believe their scandal coverage more. As it stands, they'd try to get a doddery old priest tried and hanged, but these assholes would let Polanski walk in a heartbeat.

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