Thursday, January 14, 2010

France, RIP

Apparently, what is "France" nowadays is simply a dessicated corpse inhabited by a bunch of cultural parasites.

According to the French "Minister of Immigration and National Identity" Eric Besson:

la France n'est ni un peuple, ni une langue, ni un territoire, ni une religion, c'est un conglomérat de peuples qui veulent vivre ensemble. Il n'y a pas de Français de souche, il n'y a qu'une France de métissage

Which translates to:

France is neither a people, nor a language, nor a territory, nor a religion, it is a conglomerate of peoples who want to live together. There is no ethnic Frenchman, there is only a France where the blood is mixed.

What this means is that there is already no such thing as the "French People". This is ironic coming from a guy who is supposed to promote a "national identity". No ethnic Frenchman means that there were no Franks. No, it was just a bunch of differing mongrels who decided to live together. No collective heritage, no culture, no people. It is as if France doesn't exist anymore other than on some civic identity card. Poor Charlemagne fought for nothing. Poor Joan of Arc died for nothing. 

As for the "mixed blood", the Filipino people can certainly sympathize. But we would never go so far as to say there is no Filipino people, for we have here the Ilocano, the Tagalog, the Cebuano, etc. The Filipino people, embodied in these tribes, exist. Even if our territory was the product of Spanish unification, we would never say that there is no Philippine territory. And we cling to our religion deeply.

So, give a toast and bid goodbye to France. We hardly knew ye.

French jokes are no longer racist!


  1. Makes it less depressing, doesn't it? :D

  2. yey! i no longer have to feel guilty when i crack french jokes! :))
