Saturday, May 30, 2009

From My "International Organizations are Useless" Files....

The UN, guiding light of nations, had this to say about Nicaragua's fetal protection laws:

The United Nations (UN) committee charged with monitoring compliance with the Convention Against Torture has declared that Nicaragua’s full protection of fetal life violates the country’s obligations under the Convention. This is the first time this committee has reviewed Nicaragua since that government outlawed abortion for any reason three years ago.

So, according to our dear leaders in the UN, being pro-life now constitutes "torture".

Almost makes you want to waterboard a blue hat, just to show these benighted morons what torture actually looks like.

Why are we members of this paper tiger again?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Why He Deserved to Lose

If you followed this season of American Idol (I didn't, until the last episode), you will know by now that the result was a huge upset, with small-town crooner Kris Allen winning over glam rocker Adam Lambert.

Some people took it hard. Laughably, some say it was homophobia that did Adam Lambert in, what with his ambiguously gay impresario act. But the truth is, Adam Lambert is just a douchebag. Yes, one can be both gay and a douche.

Anyway, just to illustrate a point, heeeere's Adam:

"Conforming is not cool," he adds. "Embracing who you are and what makes you different is actually what's really cool ... The kids that are different and out there and expressive and are bold with those choices, those are the people that grow up to be people we all want to hang out with, that become celebrities or become really successful in what they do because they believe in who they are."

"I are special..."

High horse words coming from the guy who looks like every single emo poseur in America. If conforming is not cool, why is he conforming to the uniform look of every sorry teenage dumb-ass? As is usual for morons like Lambert, "conformity" is only uncool until you conform to him.

The latest in Adam Lambert chic

Sorry, Adam. I have no desire to conform to looking like I scream for attention because daddy didn't love me enough.

Nope, no conformity whatsoever. *whistles*

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This Looks About Right...

Bankrupt GM, makers of the Transformers, now has a new logo.

Socialism. Ain't it fun? :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Interesting New Show

ABC (the one owned by Disney) is coming up with a remake of the Visitors, wherein an alien race disguises itself as humans and declares its intentions to aid humanity's advancement. So, it's like Alien Nation, except that the aliens here do not represent the latest faction of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition.

The remake will be called "V", and is not to be confused with that abortion of a movie, "V for Vreeaack!!!" (puke sounds). This one looks promising.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Behold the Future

Children's Day Bleaker Each Year in Japan...

May 5 is Kodomo no Hi, or Children’s Day in Japan – a national holiday. The custom is to fly the carp-shaped koinobori flags, one for each child. But as a recent report from AP points out, each year for the past 28 years there have been fewer and fewer children to enjoy the holiday. Japan has the lowest percentage of children amongst 31 major countries – only 13%, compared to 20% in the United States.

This is the future Obama is pointing to.

This is the future we will be pointing to as well, if a certain segment of our so-called elites have their way.

In Lagman's world, winds over barren streets are like the sound of angel wings. Such is the depth of delusion he and his fools engage in.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Monster and the Betrayer

Last Sunday, the Prince of Lies stepped onto a Catholic campus.

Last Sunday, despite protests from bishops and alumni, Fr. John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame University, gave the most pro-death president in US history an honorary doctorate in Law. And he did so in front of all of Notre Dame's current batch of graduates.

If there is an event that can better illustrate a religious university's fall from grace, a fall from such stratospheric heights, I cannot think of another. Maybe Georgetown can give Charles Manson a doctorate in theology just to top this one, but I don't know.

Notre Dame University used to be the intellectual heart of Catholic America. Built by French priests to educate the Irish Catholic underclass groaning under the weight of American progress (as evidenced by their "Fighting Irish" moniker), the school was instrumental in developing a distinct Catholic counter-culture that would inevitably allow Roman Catholicism to go mainstream in American life.

But that seemed like so many lifetimes ago.

Today, in the person of Fr. Jenkins and his moronic attempt at appeasement, the university has betrayed its Master. For thirty silver pieces (I heard ND got a government-funded science building just recently), it has turned its back on a history of Catholic life.

It was one thing to honor an office. It is a whole other thing to bestow credibility on the mandates of whoever man or monster holds it. To call him a doctor of the law, whilst he proclaims unjust and disastrous laws, is beyond the giving of mere respects; it is outright prostitution. However, the betrayal was just the veneer on the surface.

More than just throwing flowers at the feet of the chief death-eater of the West, more than just courtesy given to a titled man, the amassed crowd of graduates, beacons of America's near future, screamed in adulation.

It was monstrous. Just watching them on video was enough.

From the New York Times:

When a man sitting in the rafters of the stadium began shouting, the crowd drowned him out, and he was taken away by security officers. Three other men stood up one at a time within the next few minutes shouting “abortion is murder” and “stop killing our children.” The crowd responded by shouting, “Yes, we can,” Mr. Obama’s campaign slogan, and “We are N.D.,” a Notre Dame chant.

A few protesters shout "abortion is murder".

And the crowd responds with the death-eater's seductive mantra. "Yes, We Can!"

Stop Killing Our Children.

Yes, We Can.

Like a din of howling jackals, the future of America proclaims its willingness to destroy its progeny. Evil like this corrupts everything it touches. I read a remark somewhere that during the silence of the speech itself, the only sound from the crowd was an unruly baby crying in the crowd. I cannot think of a more poignant protest.

The West has made far too many deals with the devil. Witness the chief death eater's response to the supposed call for "dialogue" that prompted poor, witless Father Jenkins to play ball with Mephistopheles:

Because no matter how much we may want to fudge it _ indeed, while we know that the views of most Americans on the subject are complex and even contradictory _ the fact is that at some level, the views of the two camps are irreconcilable.

Make no mistake. For all of the death eater's talk of "civil tones", there will be NO dialogue. Water can never be dry and famine can never be bountiful. Even the basest fool knows that. Father Jenkins sold his and his school's soul for thirty silver pieces, and on the whole still got nothing in return. Such is the folly of dealing with the devil.

Abortion is murder.

Yes, we can.

Amidst the howling applause of moral imps, the devil must have basked in the victory of a hellish vision, as one stage is shared by monster and betrayer alike on a Sabbath day. Sunday was a fine day to start believing in Satan.

Pity them, though.

Ultimately, the joke's on them. All of them.

We will hold the line.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Matter of Confusion....

According to Gallup, for the first time since they began polling the abortion question, a majority of Americans are "pro-life".

Sure, the margin is still rather slim, but good news is good news.

But the sticking point is, where were these people last November 4? You know, when the guy who doesn't mind sticking scissors into a baby's skull if he or she survived abortion was elected president of the USA?

Oh, yeah, they all stayed at home, mostly because McCain doesn't do God, guns or babies.

Way to go, GOP.

If those dolts running what passes for the conservative party in the US had any brains, they'd be on their hands and knees begging social conservatives to stay in the ranks, and cast out those condescending Rockefeller country-clubbers who want nothing more than money and the license to do with it as they will.

A Boring Week at the Movies

With nothing but Opie's awful rendition of Dan Brown's ugly tripe in cinemas right now, I've got nothing to watch.

Terminator Salvation can't get here soon enough.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Wish We Could Say the Same

"The UNFPA and the International Planned Parenthood Federation with branches all over the developing world are bent on executing this Obama/Clinton murderous agenda, but please be warned, we shall not allow you kill our children."

- Chief Albert Ngwana, Cardinal Democratic Party, Cameroon, on the US pushing population control in Africa.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why Commando Is the Greatest Film of All Time

According to director Mark Lester.

Well, I will admit that no cinematic name has come close to the level of bad ass that "John Matrix" is. So there's that.

I asked Oscar-winning scribe William Goldman to see if he could find any flaws in it, and he wouldn't even return my calls!  See what I mean?

I Wonder What More Do These People Want....

So, the Pope is in the middle of a combustible jaunt down in the Middle East, touring the conflict triangle of Israel, Palestine and Jerusalem. Now, I appreciate how sensitive this whole thing can be, and how every little snot bubble the Pope blows out of his nose and every little cough he lets out will be parsed to mind-numbing interpretative silliness by an increasingly moronic media.

However, allow me to speak in French and say, "Israel, what the fuck?"

First off, let me issue the practically legally necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-Semitic. I am a fan of Israel. Just reading about the exploits of the Mossad is enough to give me a testosterone-induced high. Plus, I support their efforts to crush whatever Arabic twat wants to annihilate them from the face of the Earth.

Second, I'd give a similar "what the fuck" reaction to some of the missteps on the Palestinian side of things, but it is tiring to scream profanities at every bit of stupidity issuing forth from the minds of lunatic extremists, considering the large volume of filth that flows down that river of crazy. Letting a bloodthirsty so-called "moderate" crash an interfaith meeting is sort of to be expected from this bunch of loonies.

So, I will take issue with Israel, or at least, some Israelis. These are people who ought to know better.

My advice to these pantywaists who get all red-faced over the lack of apology in the Pope;'s beautifully composed Yad Vashem speech can be summarized as thus:

1. The Church has NOTHING to apologize for when it comes to the Holocaust. As one commenter in the Post article puts it, if the Church has to apologize for something this far detached from anything She has ever taught, then Jews should apologize for Jewish Bolshevism and the millions Lenin and Stalin slaughtered. But nobody is stupid enough to stretch things to that extent. Why should you get to do it?

2. Stop getting your talking points from Communist propaganda plays designed to smear the name of a Pope who had always been your ally. Pius XII never encouraged the Holocaust, and did more for Jews than all the efforts of Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg combined ten times over. You have an entire forest and the words of your national giants to stand testimony to that. You would choose the words of some idiotic communist playwright over that of the great Golda Meir?

3. The SSPX is not yet part of the Catholic Church and Bishop Williamson has not been given a free pass for his anti-Semitic twaddle.

4. This Pope is one of the best things happening for you in a Europe that is slowly beginning to sound like pre-World War 2 Germany. There is a reason why your enemies keep painting the Pope's visit as a propaganda victory for you! The Pope has already risked alienating his Christian Arab flock just to be in Yad Vashem. Speaking of which....

5. This kind of bullshit only ensures that being a friend of the Jews becomes harder and harder for any Pope. You've already driven most of the Arab Christians into the arms of the Palestinian loonies, whose abuses towards Christians can always be mitigated by pointing at stupidity like this from the supposedly democratic and Christian-friendly Israel. The first rule when in a hole is to stop digging. Stop asking for apologies over an event that the party you want to apologize had nothing to do with.

Israel has enough internal and external problems that threaten its future. It does not want to eliminate one of the last true friends it has in the West.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day is on May 31.

Another instance of politically empowered douchebags trying to string us along in their grand effort to save the world.

I don't smoke, but between this and Earth Hour, I am really tempted to start using that Sherlock Holmes pipe I have lying around.

Painting Is Not Dead Yet!

Finally! Modern paintings that I can actually call "beautiful"!

I know this will probably prejudice me to my future professors in the Humanities visual arts subjects, but I hate what passes for modern painting nowadays. Picasso and his bastard children have turned painting into a joke medium. (Plus, I will never forgive Picasso for Guernica.) Abstract art, cubism, post-modernism...all laughably bad in the grand scheme of visual art. It's as if being emo was suddenly the pinnacle of artistic achievement.

This particular group of artists is a God-send.

The people actually look like people! Imagine that!

Look, just because photography robbed the painter of his historic livelihood, does not mean our noses started growing out of our foreheads. (Picasso! I'm talking to you!)

These artists prove that photography ought not be an excuse for painters to abandon the foundations laid throughout the centuries by other artists. Take these two girls in a photograph, and it would not have the same effect. (If this were a photograph, I'd tell the photographer to stay away from Cosplayers.) As a painting, these is just something there that only a painter can put in. I also appreciate the fact that this guy (or girl, I'm not sure), and all like him or her, prove that the modern artist need not paint like a tripped out mongoose.

Another interesting facet of this group is that a significant portion of the artists behind this resurgence of classical Western painting are Asian. As is the case in Western classical music, Asian artists are beginning to learn about, appreciate and create classical Western art better than the modern Westerners do. This fact ought to embarrass the hell out of those so-called cultural savants out West, whose idea of high art is Christo throwing orange ribbons around Central Park and some douchebag painting Christ in a urine jar.

Shame on the West, and may the Art Renewal Center's tribe increase!

[Credit: The painting is Tetsuya Mishima's "Sword and Desire", a finalist in the Figurative Category of ARC Salon.] 


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Did you know that the Illuminati were founded in Bavaria in 1776? Wikipedia can tell you if you don't.

Once you do know, you already know more than "historical" novelist Dan Brown and Director Ron Howard, both of whom believe that Bernini and Galileo, who both died before 1700, were members of a then-non-existent Illuminati.

Dan Brown is such a tool. Normally, I ignore horrible writers, but when his stuff is stringing a bunch of ignorant geese by the flock, it's time to call him on it. He even dragged poor Opie down his muck of historical ignorance.

Artistic license is one thing, but as one reader in John C. Wright's blog put it, suspension of disbelief does not mean you hang it til its dead. If even Wikipedia can debunk you, your work is in the realm of absolute slop.