Thursday, April 30, 2009

We Will Hold The Line

So, this is what the bastard children of the West are telling those who remain faithful....

Modernize, or die.

However, here is what I will say to them.

Before there were Obama and Lagman, there was Caesar, from Nero to Diocletian.

We held the line.

Before there were disaffected yuppies leaving us over their lattes, there was Julian the Apostate.

We held the line.

Before there was Bishop Spong and his horde of tiny heretics, there were Arius and Nestorius.

We held the line.

Before there were disaffected preachers' daughters predicting our end, there were Luther, Calvin, and Henry VIII.

We held the line.

Before there were pedophile priests and weak-kneed bishops, there were Constantinople and Avignon.

We held the line.

Before there were LGBT bullshit, womyn "priests" and artificial contraception, there were druids, human sacrifice and Moloch.

We held the line.

Before there was modernization, there was Napoleon.

We held the line.

Before there was the desecration of marriage, the destruction of the nuclear family, the bastardization of art and the qualitative reduction of the worth of human life, there was the Dark Ages with the Barbarians at the gates.

We held the line.

And finally...

Before we "bled" members due to our fidelity, we bled actual blood for our faith.

And We. Held. The. Line!

So, join that myopic chorus calling for our end, you faithless vermin. Swell your ranks with the delusional followers of the Almighty Imperial Self. We have weathered every storm and have made the most grievous of errors. And yet, when all the women's studies departments and all the pride parades and all the abortion clinics are but dust and shadows, we will still be holding processions over their crumbling remains. Heaven will outlast you. We will outlast you.

Our "we" extends from two thousand years of saints, sinners and angels, to eternity and beyond. Our divisions are legion, and command heights you can only dream of in that box you have trapped yourselves in. To whom and when does your "we" extend? To Britney Spears and Alfred Kinsey? To Voltaire and his own panglossian naivete? And you purport to tell us that unless we join your turgid little circle, we will be destroyed? We have seen the worst, and you and your petty "research" have said nothing the demons we have walked over in God's good grace have not already said.

We will hold the line.

It may seem increasingly apparent that this is turning in a sort of "Catholic" blog. But, I don't care for the perception. Some things are worth losing street cred over.

Like redemption.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Proof That the Nobel Committee is Utterly Insane

They passed over Irena Sendlerowa, a true heroine who saved 2,500 lives during the Holocaust, and gave the Peace Prize to Al fucking Gore.

So, a martyr for the common good gets set aside so these morons can honor the world's greatest professional gasbag.

These were also the same people who would not give Pope John Paul II the award due to his views on contraception and abortion, but would hand it on a silver platter to a genocidal Yasser Arafat.

Fuck the Nobel Peace Prize. As far as prizes go, few have become so worthless, so fast.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New Ecological Pantheism

What happens when man deifies Earth?

He screws other men over.

For these ecological types, Hitler should've widened the net.

Shoot an environmentalist. It'll make you feel better.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2016: Time to Migrate

Because fucking Kris Aquino is thinking of running for office on that year. And, considering the infectious stupidity that runs through my native populace, I shudder in terror. She just might win.

Just change the date to 2016, and we're good.

Monday, April 20, 2009

YouTube - Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009

Simon Cowell's reaction is pretty much my own. Simply amazing. Te deum laudamus.

Proof of Divine Justice in The World

That is what this woman is. Underneath that aged, visually unappealing shell, Divine Providence had hidden a spark so vigorous and beautiful, and its bursting forth is a harsh indictment on our inability to see and recognize that spark in ourselves and others. Susan Boyle is a living light in our dark age of shallow cynosures and egotistical auteurs. God bless her, and may there be more like her.

Friday, April 10, 2009

10 Jesus Mutants Far Removed From The Real Deal

And now, a Lenten special.

When you look at the history of Christian evangelization, you will notice that evangelization was most successful where Christianity managed to incorporate much of the local flavor in order to make the Messiah more accessible to the locals. This is why, for example, Christmas falls on the old pagan winter feast, Easter has Easter bunnies, and why Christ has so many symbols attached to Him, from the pelican to the Irish shamrock.

However, in the age of the almighty consumer, this practice has been taken to a corrupt extreme. Whereas the old heathens simply envisioned Jesus through a cultural lens in order to better understand and appreciate His message, the self-centered pricks of this age have reduced and manipulated Jesus into bite-size images free of anything that could challenge and disturb their Ritalin-addled consciences. In order to deal with Jesus Christ, the Christian gospel and the culture it created, bored and affluent Westerners simply drowned out the "offensive" parts and updated Jesus into some zombie mutant more accommodating of their zombie mutant depravity. Here are the ten most moronic mutations I could find off the top of my head, ranging from the pants-on-the-head retarded to the ones so stupid, only tenured morons could have come up with them.

1. Buddy Jesus

The Appeal
Jesus is my best friend! He always smiles and hugs and give me what I want! He also never, ever judges me! If he barked and had some floppy ears, he'd be the perfect best friend deity ever!

The Stupid
This Jesus was designed solely to appeal to the Hello Kitty Christian demographic. As such, it falls squarely on the retarded side of the spectrum. This Jesus wants nothing more than to be your cute little lapdog who kisses your boo-boos away. Sin? Is that a new ice cream flavor? Not recommended for anybody over the intellectual age of ten.

Hey Buddy! Let's skip "changin UR lifes" and go play with your Wii!

2. Crystal Dragon Jesus

The Appeal
This is the Jesus you will find in many fantasy-based RPG's and animation. As the link describes, it is a Jesus figure that presides over a Christian-like religion, though bears little resemblance to the actual Jesus. The most common users of this trope, as the link points out, are Japanese RPG's and animation whose makers have but a passing familiarity with Christianity. However, you will find Crystal Dragon Jesus among Western works as well, by people who ought to have known better.

The Stupid
I'm actually not sure as to how to treat this particular fake Jesus. After all, one cannot take literary tropes too seriously. Plus, the most established users of this trope usually simply don't know much about the actual Jesus in the first place. However, there are some who should've known better who use this trope, and it is ostensibly to either create an "acceptable" Jesus that will let you ride around the clouds, or to create a "straw man" Jesus to attack the real world religion. Either way, it is a manner of engaging religion worthy of a juvenile half-wit, in both its benign and malicious forms.

You want me to eat you or give you piggy back rides? Make up your mind!

3. Get Rich Quick Jesus

The Appeal
This is the Jesus of the Prayer of Jabez crowd. Basically, if you pray enough to Jesus and buy the resulting book / prayer manual, you could get a divine boost in your assets and net worth. Can also be known as Greenspan's Jesus.

The Stupid
If you've reduce the Son of God to a divine piggy bank, you've got problems. There is something both stupid and mildly perverse about treating your religion like a Gnostic pyramid scheme.

Don't forget to buy the book! - Get Rich Quick Jesus

4. NRA Jesus

The Appeal
Ever get tired of the wussy, feminized Son of God you typically encounter in modern mainline Protestant sermons? Well, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, because NRA Jesus is here! Also known as Rambo Jesus, Guns and Ammo Jesus and Jesus "Bad Ass" Christ.

The Stupid
This Jesus is an obvious manifestation of a growing reaction to the dilution of Jesus from Son of God to everybody's Mommy. (This is strictly a Protestant phenomenon...with no Mary, Jesus does double duty.) As such, I cannot blame it for existing, nor am I too pissed off at those who created it. But still, the stupid way to react to one extreme is to go to the other one. In the end, you get less a Son of God and more an action caricature for whom the formula for exorcism would be "Hasta la Vista, Baby".


C'mon, Satan. Bring it. I dare you.

5. Hippy Jesus

The Appeal
A Jesus whose musical repertoire is stuck at "Kumbayah", eats nothing but organic, preaches all love and peace and no struggle, and wants you to recycle? What's not to like? Umm...

The Stupid
This is firmly in pants-on-the-head retarded territory. Since when did a wine-loving, meat-eating, rope-whipping Jesus Christ ever come across as so naively hippy? And what has eating organic, recycling and tree-hugging got to do with human salvation? What are they good for? Absolutely nothing! (Huah!)

Geez, even his crown of thorns is organic!

6. Black Jesus

The Appeal
Finally, the Black Panthers can call themselves Apostles! Blessed is he who forgives all white guilt and empowers anybody with a moderately high skin melanin count. Can also be called Frankenstein Jesus, as the most egregious representations often attempt to combine the characteristics of all racial minorities. (For example, see pic below.)

The Stupid
First off, let me distinguish Black Jesus from all the other rather ethnic perceptions of Jesus Christ, including Anglo Jesus. The ethnic perceptions of old, as I've mentioned in the intro, were attempts by populations new to the Faith to recognize the Son of God in order to better appreciate His message. In short, it is part of the attempt of a newly Christian population to reach out to the universal truths of their new faith. "Black Jesus", however, is the reduction of Jesus to a crude, politically-correct stereotype in order to pander to restless political factions. The reduction is so petty, it makes Jesus subordinate to a pretty fucked up movement, instead of subordinating a movement to Jesus. Hence, "Black Jesus" marks our descent into mutant Jesus clones so stupid, only academics and demagogues could have come up with them.

Black Franken-Jesus can forgive all sins...except white collar crimes and racism.

7. Social Justice Jesus

The Appeal
The Church has always had a preferential option for the poor. After all, the Sermon on the Mount and the corporal works of mercy all emphasize the sympathy one must have for the impoverished. Hence, the attraction of Social Justice Jesus.

The Stupid
There is a reason why Liberation Theology was declared heretical. I am not saying that the Church shouldn't look out for the poor. However, when Jesus is reduced to a mere social justice activist, it limits the scope of His message and detracts from the universality of salvation. Jesus came for the bourgeoisie too, you know. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, not Che Guevara in a past life. However, it'll take some intense prying to pull the heads of the makers of this Jesus out of their collective asses.

Also, Jesus will stand in a street corner, shout abuse and show you his can collection...

8. Gender Studies Jesus

The Appeal
Honestly, this one is just so fucked up, I cannot see the appeal. Maybe if you're gay or something. Or a woman. Whichever the case, this is supposed to be your Jesus. Ick. Also known as Queer Jesus, Musical Theater Jesus and Jane Christ.

The Stupid
Jesus would consider promiscuity and butt piracy immoral. So, the best way to live with this imagine Jesus as a butt pirate. If this makes no logical sense to you, welcome to the rest of the sane world. If this makes some emotional sense to you, enjoy your PhD in one of the most useless of subjects, you academic abomination. Now, I'm going to go over to NRA Jesus and detox for a while.

Not pictured: Sanity

9. Conspiracy Theory Jesus

The Appeal
The attraction of holding secret knowledge only you know about extends all the way back to the Gnostics. It's no surprise that this Jesus traces much of its relatively recent history to the remnants of that movement.

The Stupid
Have you ever heard some loony nutjob talk about how the moon landings were fake, or how there was an extra shooter on the grassy knoll that nailed JFK? Now, think of that same loony nutjob talking about how Jesus was banging Mary Magdalene, and you can get a glimpse of the Conspiracy Theory Jesus experience. With no serious scholarship to back them, these nuts have only the volume of their high-pitched voices to justify themselves and this hack creation.
Let he who is without sin, now get some sexy time....

10. "Historical" Jesus

The Appeal
For those truly uncomfortable with Jesus' claims of divinity, which includes very loony swathes of modern Bible studies "scholars", what better way to make yourself feel better than saying that Jesus was just a regular hombre?

The Stupid
The most seductive of the Jesus mutants, this particular variant claims to have some solid scholarship on its side, if by solid scholarship you mean lazy, half-baked conjectures laced with tabloid sensationalism. By the time you get to the part where Jesus' corpse was eaten by wild dogs, you know John Dominic Crossan and company have already jumped, with full somersaults, over several great white sharks. When people want to make themselves gods, they cast some pretty funny shadows.

Mmmm...messiah tastes like chicken....

So, this Lenten season, meditate on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and leave all these cheap mutations behind. The real deal is much more fascinating that the measly simulacra conjured up by severely limited human imaginations.

Oh, and Happy Easter!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The Guardian's Geoffrey Wheatcroft is feeling pretty antsy about the declining quality of British humor. I'd get pretty antsy too, since humor has been Britain's greatest cultural export since the 70's, when they ran out of political ideas.

Anyways, one of the things he laments is the prevalence of "flattire" in contemporary British comedy. What is "flattire"? Sounds like "flat tire", but what the hell:

It also illustrated a pattern which that excellent veteran critic, Philip French of the Observer, identified with his lethal coining "flattire". He meant films which are ostensibly satirical but which really flatter the audience by ingratiatingly reinforcing all their prejudices. One of the direst had "American" in its title but was by a British director. The venerable Pauline Kael was still alive when American Beauty came out, to ask sharply why the middle-class liberals who were drooling over this tripe couldn't recognise the way it sucked up to them, with its catalogue of cliches and every punch telegraphed.

Basically, it is a really cheap and unintellectual sort of satire.

Can anybody say "Jon Stewart"? There's a reason Stephen Colbert kicks his ass regularly nowadays.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Human Ancestors Tell Dawkins to Shove It Up His Ass

Richard Dawkins, famous for his "selfish gene" theory, clearly knows almost nothing of human nature. That's the problem of living in the ivory tower. Like Doctor Manhattan, you lose touch with humanity. Although, I don't think Dr. Dawkins will be walking around ass-naked with his non-Jewishness hanging out and about.

The depth of Dawkins' ignorance can be seen in a particular archeological finding (full PDF version here) in Spain. At first glance, it seems like any other archeological finding from a region relatively rich in archeological artifacts. In this case, it is the skull of a little girl, 530,000 years old, who seems to have been born with a severe genetic defect known as lambdoid single suture craniosynostosis (SSC), which causes frightening deformities and mental retardation. The significant passages (from the full PDF version) are these.

Here, we discuss a Middle Pleistocene case of a serious congenital skull deformation that may have required extra conspecific care for the individual to survive for a number of years before he/she died at the end of childhood.

If brain development of SH hominids is similar to that of modern humans, as it has been suggested in some studies (14–16), the individual represented by Cranium 14 was at least 5- to 8-years-old, because it had reached an adult brain size by the time he/she died.

It is obvious that the SH hominin species did not act against the abnormal/ill individuals during the infancy, as has happened along our own history many times and in many cultures...

Even these barely human ancestors of ours, already carrying signs of the uniqueness of our creation, are capable of telling whatever "selfish gene" exists in their system to go take a nosedive off a cliff. Here, we have evidence of an early humanity already growing beyond the paradigm of natural selection and "survival of the fittest", caring for a severely, frighteningly (just search for pics of people with SSC nowadays) deformed member of their own family. For a child to reach 5 to 8 years old with a condition this debilitating implies extraordinary care on the part of the early human hunter gatherers, who could be slowed down and starved by such a "burden". And yet, where was the "selfish gene" that would demand the termination of this survival-threatening "burden"? It seems to have developed magically among human beings around the time when they started building civilizations. In terms of care and recognition of human dignity, it seems that these hunter-gatherers are superior to the Spartans. It seems that human arrogance and human achievement go together like frequent dance partners. But, don't tell that to Dr. "Genes Made Me Do It" Dawkins. 

The extraordinary implications of these kinds of discovery show a humanity who, even in the dreaded state of nature, is capable of a divine goodness unseen anywhere else. The closing stanza of A. D. Hope's poem "Meditation on a Bone", used in the MercatorNet article where I first discovered this find, seems an appropriate eulogy for these people.

And, in a foreign tongue,
A man, who is not he,
Reads and his heart is wrung
This ancient grief to see,
And thinks: When I am dung,
What bone shall speak for me?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

EOnline Interview with Robert Pattinson!

I now have a little bit of respect for Pattinson.

In this interview, he basically calls Stephanie Mayer, author of the book that's now paying his rent, a sad, crazy little dingbat who's fanfic got published.

You get it, Mr. Pattinson! Doesn't make you any less of a douchebag for selling out though.

BBC: Did Darwin Kill God?

Genre: Documentary
This one's for my sister. :D

To view the documentary, go here.

Oh, and spoiler alert!

A Very Good, Almost Great, Documentary

Much verbiage has already been spilled in the great debate between Christian fundamentalism and evangelical Atheism. This documentary attempts to charter one particular strand of the debate: Darwinism as debunker of God as Creator.

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the arguments against God's existence fall into two main types: (1) There is suffering in the world, therefore there is no God, and (2) Everything is working fine without God's interference, therefore there is no God. So far, the Atheists have proven Aquinas right, and have come up with no new arguments. The Darwinism strand rests firmly in the second type of argument.

The documentary's presenter, theologian and philosopher Conor Cunningham, has come up with a work that cuts both ways, attacking the fundamentalist Christians for misreading Christian tradition, and attacking ultra-Darwinists for misreading both Darwin and the limits of the scientific process. The result is a beauty to behold.

The documentary proceeds chronologically, starting with the very first broadsides fired in the debate, coming from the Christian side. Cunningham begins by masterfully dismantling the claim of both ultra-Darwinist and creationist that Christian tradition demands a literal reading of the Book of Genesis. He hits the usual sweet spots, from Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria to St. Augustine of Hippo, who definitively concludes for all of classical Christianity that Genesis cannot be read literally. The literal reading of Genesis only returned after the Reformation, when Anglican Bishop James Usher calculated the age of the world by counting Bible dates, and theologian William Paley suggested a "watchmaker" God.

The war between Christianity and Darwinism, according to Cunningham, did not even begin in Darwin's time, as nobody found it too controversial. The first attack came, not in the UK, but in the US, embodied in the Scopes Monkey Trial. I found this part very well made. Cunningham's insight into anti-evolution crusader William Jennings Bryan does much to humanize the man reduced to caricature by modern non-thinkers. He finds Bryan a socialist with right-wing religious views, whose main reason for challenging the teaching of evolution in schools was his disgust for Social Darwinism and it's implications for the treatment of African Americans and other peoples dissimilar in cultural development to the white man. This was a view that fueled much of the initial Protestant Christian resentment against Darwinism. This differs from modern creationism, which, according to Cunningham, found its starting point in the Evangelical reaction to the collapse of traditional morality in the 60's. Creationism, therefore, is rightly framed not only as a view well outside Christian orthodoxy, but as a social rather than theological phenomenon.

The documentary's second half is dedicated to exploring the arguments on the opposite side, as presented by Darwinian fundamentalists like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett. Here, he eviscerates two of the pillars of the ultra-Darwinist case against a Creator God: the "selfish gene" theory and "meme" theory as propagated by Richard Dawkins. The first theory implies that human survival and human behavior are dictated by genes, therefore it is genes and not God that designed human nature, eliminating God from the human equation. Cunningham goes through a scientist and an atheist philosopher to counter these (already absurd) claims. Dr. Francis Collins, former head of the Human Genome Project, debunks the theory of a gene dictating behavior, let alone a gene aware enough to have "selfish" motivations. Philosopher Michael Ruse, an atheist, then proceeds to debunk the connection between genes, human decision-making and belief. The second, more laughable theory is about "memes", bits of information that supposedly colonize human minds in order to propagate themselves like the selfish gene. Here, Cunningham wisely lets the argument defeat itself, letting Meme Theory proponent Dr. Susan Blackmore dismantle the theory by simply describing it. Never have I seen a more ignorant academic, implying that ideas are individuals with actual motivations and no inherent truth value. I get the feeling that we are in for another round of those circular "what is an idea" debates that plagued the Enlightenment, brought about by the sheer stupidity of certain people with PhD attached to their names. But, I digress.

The genius of this documentary owes in large part to the fact that Cunningham looks for people on different sides of these positions and lets them speak of themselves. Often, this is simply the best tactic for disproving a positions. The best way to expose a fool is to rent him a hall and let him speak. This was done with the rather silly creationist curator, as well as with the aforementioned Dr. Blackmore and with Dawkin's co-star Daniel Dennett, whose statement that "it's natural selection, and nothing else" forever confirms the existence of a Darwinian fundamentalist. (A point missed by the mass of ignorant yobs who tend to flock to Youtube comment boxes.)


I say this is an almost great documentary because there were inconsistencies that mar the presentation. For me, the most glaring one was the absence of any proponent of Intelligent Design, who were not allowed to elaborate on their theory. What remains is a blatant misreading by Cunningham of the Intelligent Design argument, reducing it to the "God of the Gaps" stereotype that it isn't, postulating that the God of ID is the God of Paley, which is a falsehood. At the very least, ID is a philosophical argument, not a fundamentalist one as Cunningham says. He even lapses into a typical philosophical pitfall, saying that an interfering God who does not interfere in human suffering cannot be good. He seems to forget that even an interfering God would not interfere with Free Will, and thus cannot interfere in human suffering.

The ending was somewhat weak, with the inclusion of a yammering paleo-biologist who seems to think that birds singing and whales exchanging sound is "music", another instance of a scientist stepping way out of his field.

He also does not touch on the most contentious of the Darwinian arguments against God, which is the notion that evolutionary theory implies that man is just another ape, and therefore cannot be a special Creation made in the image of God, ergo, no God. It was this argument that I have been waiting for, and it did not get even a mention. The way I see it, expose this argument, and you expose the greatest reductionist weakness of any ultra-Darwinian. But, I suppose that documentary can be made another time.

Overall, it was a very well-made documentary. My only disappointment was that it could have been much, much better.

Plus, if you ever want to see a mass exercise in "missing the point" with complete pants-on-the-head retardedness, check out the YouTube comments.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Where Is the Philippine Conservative Movement?

The Non-Existent Movement

I was looking through the website of Maxim Philippines (What? There were two girls on the cover. I got curious.) and I soon found out that the reason for the two-girl cover was that Maxim was being oh-so-fashionably, predictably "cutting edge" by putting out a "gay and lesbian" issue. (If I ever buy this edition, guess which half I'm cutting out and throwing away?) The main article was some sort of poorly conceived counterpoint wherein they have a bunch of whiny queens, led by the whiniest of them all in the persons of "Boy" Abunda and Danton Remoto, discuss gay issues inside a VIP Room in "Classmates", a stripper club chock full of semi-naked women. Get the irony? Gay guys in a girl strip joint!  Bleh. (BTW, not even a token lesbian in that roundtable? What about the cover girls?)

I thought that, if Maxim's editor-in-chief had any imagination or balls, he'd set up a real counterpoint, wherein you have pro-gay rabble-rousers like Abunda and Remoto on one side, and a conservative response on the other side. You know, an actual dialogue. Such an exchange would be far more worth their readers' time than some masturbatory intellectual session conducted by serial masturbators.

While I was mulling that idea, I thought that if I were that editor, where in the country would I find that measured conservative response? One would think that I should look into the clergy first. But at the first of whiff of a guy with the title "Father", "Pastor" or "Reverend", people's brains and ears tend to automatically shut off. I blame both the utter ignorance of political culture in this country and the poor homilectic skill of most of our clergy. Besides, throwing Bible verses won't work in this setting, and regrettably, that's all most of our clergy can do. (If I can find the Fountain of Youth for Father de Torre, I'd be all good. That man is our Father Richard Neuhaus. Sheer genius.) What about the politicians? No dice. Nothing discredits a position faster than when it is defended by a Philippine politician. (Now that I think about it, Remoto should run for Congress!) What about crotchety old men whose old-school cultural reflexes jerk faster than an epileptic siezure? Nope. I want dialogue, not a shouting match. Besides, the gays scream louder. (How else can a minority with no substantial moral claims so utterly dominate?) So, the best option would be to turn to the Philippine conservative movement and find some nice, articulate and eloquent conservatives who can pose a strong intellectual and philosophical challenge to the pro-gay side. Then, it hit me. The Philippine conservative movement does not exist.


What is Conservatism?

What is a conservative? There are many answers to that, as there are many kinds of conservative, from Johnny Ramone to Winston Churchill. But, for all the variations, what all types of conservative have in common can be seen in the ten principles laid out by the late, great Russell Kirk, the father of modern political conservatism. (These are expanded from his original six.) To wit:

1. The conservative believes that there exists an enduring moral order. That order is made for man, and man is made for it: human nature is a constant, and moral truths are permanent.

2. The conservative adheres to custom, convention and continuity. It is old custom that enables people to live together peaceably; the destroyers of custom demolish more than they know or desire. It is through convention -- a word much abused in our time -- that we contrive to avoid perpetual disputes about rights and duties: law at base is a body of conventions. Continuity is the means of linking generation to generation; it matters as much for society as it does for the individual; without it, life is meaningless. When successful revolutionaries have effaced old customs, derided old conventions, and broken the continuity of social institutions -- why, presently they discover the necessity of establishing fresh customs, conventions, and continuity; but that process is painful and slow; and the new social order that eventually emerges may be much inferior to the old order that radicals overthrew in their zeal for the Earthly Paradise.

3. Conservatives believe in what may be called the principle of prescription. Conservatives sense that modern people are dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, able to see farther than their ancestors only because of the great stature of those who have preceded us in time. Therefore conservatives very often emphasize the importance of prescription -- that is, of things established by immemorial usage, so that the mind of man runneth not to the contrary.

4. Conservatives are guided by their principles of prudence. Burke agrees with Plato that in the statesman, prudence is chief among virtues. Any public measure ought to be judged by its probable long-run consequences, not merely by temporary advantage or popularity.

5. Conservatives pay attention to the principle of variety. They feel affection for the proliferating intricacy of long-established social institutions and modes of life, as distinguished from the narrowing uniformity and deadening egalitarianism of radical systems.

6. Conservatives are chastened by the principle of imperfectibility. Human nature suffers irremediably from certain grave faults, the conservatives know. Man being imperfect, no perfect social order ever can be created. Because of human restlessness, mankind would grow rebellious under any utopian domination, and would break out once more in violent discontent -- or else expire of boredom.

7. Conservatives are persuaded the freedom and property are closely linked. Separate property from private possession, and Leviathan becomes master of all. Upon the foundation of private property, great civilizations are built. The more widespread is the possession of private property, the more stable and productive is a commonwealth.

8. Conservatives uphold voluntary community, as much as they oppose involuntary collectivism. In a genuine community, the decisions most directly affecting the lives of citizens are made locally and voluntarily. Some of these functions are carried out by local political bodies, others by private associations: so long as they are kept local, and are marked by the general agreement of those affected, they constitute healthy community.

9. Conservatives percieve the need for prudent restraints upon human power and upon human passions. Politically speaking, power is the ability to do as one likes, regardless of the wills of one's fellows. A state in which an individual or a small group are able to dominate the wills of their fellows without check is a despotism, whether it is called monarchical or aristocratic or democratic. When every person claims to be a power unto himself, then society falls into anarchy.

10. Conservatives understand that permanence and change must recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society. The conservative is not opposed to social improvement, although he doubts whether there is any such force as a mystical Progress, with a Roman P, at work in the world. When a society is progressing in some respects, usually it is declining in other respects.

Some of you may not recognize these principles as conservative, if only because Filipinos keep misreading what conservatism is. It is no particular slight upon Filipinos, for this misreading occurs widely in the West, especially in the wake of the Presidency of George W. Bush. (For a stark example of a Filipino misreading of what conservatism is, check this guy's blog post out.) That is because people tend to confuse various potential conservative populations with the entirety of conservatism itself. This problem is quite persistent because conservatism, at its core, is emphatically NOT an ideology. There are ideologies that adopt parts of its principles, but it in itself is a negation of ideology. (See Principles 4, 5 and 6 for example.) In the US, ordinary people tend to think that Bush's "compassionate" neo-conservatism is all conservatism. In Europe, conservatism is confused with either the Aristocracy, Nationalism or "Christian" (as opposed to Social) Democracy. In the West's margins, such as the Philippines, people tend to think that Religion and Oligarchy are all that conservatism is. 


Difficult Misreadings

In the Philippines, these misreadings of what conservatism is has resulted, ironically enough, in the stillbirth of conservatism in a supposedly conservative country. The most poignant and heart-rending of these misreadings is the one that conflates conservative ideas with Religion. This is so because conservatism does have a deep, special place in its heart for Religion. The Church is that bastion of tradition, that lion of the moral order, that synthesis of order and freedom, that beating heart of voluntary community that conservatives hold very dearly. Religion (at least, Christianity and Islam, in the Philippine experience) and conservatism are natural allies.

However, where conservatism and Religion are taken as one, conservatism is hampered by the same restrictions that hamper religion, when in fact, conservatism should provide the complementary thrust unburdened by Religion's limitations.  Conservative principles are essentially secular in their articulation and application, and this secular character is what is supposed to distinguish conservatism from Religion.

In the Great Discussion, this secular character is conservatism's offering. These are principles which create arguments that do not rely on religious revelation or verification for their veracity, even as they align with religious conviction in their conclusions. As such, they can be articulated by anybody, from a priest to a bum with a laptop. They cannot be so easily dismissed by the "I am not a believer" assertion. As such, it must be distinguished from Religion, even where they take the same side. The conservative must take his place alongside Father / Pastor Bible-verse, and not under his shadow, for in the Philippines it is an unfortunate fact that most of our clergy cannot pull off what St. Thomas Aquinas did - reconcile religion and reason. As a conservative, I say that the Church here needs us, and needs us to be distinct. The best way for a Catholic to argue in the public sphere is as a conservative, not as a mystic or as a fundamentalist.

The other misreading is simply annoying. The conflation of conservatism with Oligarchy is a product of our colonial imagination. Our oligarchic elites are only conservative where it will bring votes and preserve their lands. I have yet to meet an actual conservative by conviction rather than convenience amongst our cynical ruling elite. A pox on all their houses.


The Philippines Needs a Conservative Movement

The Philippines has vocal nationalists, liberals, leftists and radicals. They mostly draw from the same tired and empty well of egalitarian and romantic idealism that should have died when Robbespierre faced the guillotine. The conversation has been so one-sided, that we have ceased the Great Discussion altogether and have turned politics into a high school gossip fest. Our elections are almost always about personalities and scandals, not about principles, policy and discourse. The Great Discussion needs to be revived, and it cannot be done when only Religion makes a vocal, credible argument on the other side. It needs to be revived, not only for the sake of those on the defensive end of the culture war, but on the side of the radicals as well, if only to force them to hone their arguments and re-imagine their moral and philosophical claims. (Or come up with one, in the case of Abunda, Remoto, et al.) There is more at stake here than dispelling the scandalous irony of a conservative country bereft of a conservative movement.

If it is to be born, a conservative movement needs vocal, public personalities. We need our own Russell Kirk, our own Father Richard Neuhaus, our own William F. Buckley Jr. Heck, we need our own Edmund Burke. The only prominent intellectuals in this country that I am aware of who can articulate conservative views in the public sphere quite eloquently and frequently are UA&P economists such as Dr. Jesus Estanislao and Dr. Bernardo VIllegas. If Kit Tatad were not so tainted by his enabling of Erap and Marcos, I'd have him up there too, but stained he remains. Those two men I mentioned are economists, so their sphere is quite distinct. Where are our other public conservative intellectuals? One of the great scandals of our own pro-life movement is that it lacks it's own Dr. Bernard Nathanson, or even its own Henry Hyde.
A conservative movement also needs its own publication. Where else can we combat the comfortable presumptions of the avant-garde, from the euphemisms of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star to the quaint simple-mindedness of Maxim Magazine? We need our own National Review.   

Most importantly, we have to disambiguate what a conservative is. I am conservative, and not a member of the ruling elite. My bloodline is as ordinary as a sari-sari store. I am conservative, and I am Catholic, yet am also the farthest example from the perfect Catholic as you will find. I think my opening sentences already implied that. Conservatives need to make clear that it takes in all types, and that we are unified by rational, time-honored principles and not by class or creed.

My blog posts are mostly about affairs well beyond Philippine borders, and not much on local affairs. This is so because it is abroad where the Great Discussion is taking place. I look forward to the day I post about the Great Discussion unfolding here.  And if there ever arises a Filipino Russell Kirk, I would love to meet him. I'd love his signature on my forehead too.

Russell Kirk (1918-1994)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Guy Named Yahtzee Reviews "Eve Online"

I don't have any stake in "Eve Online". Don't play it, don't give a damn about it. But, watching this guy review this apparently massive turd of a game was sheer delight. I don't know. Maybe I just have a big soft spot for misanthropes. Watch this and find out for yourself. Oh, and a word of caution. He talks really fast. 


Oh, and by the way, check out his review for Mercenaries 2 as well. I was actually planning on buying that game, lol!!

Earth Hour Irony Bites Man

Sometimes, even pointless political pieties can come up and bite you in the ass.

Earth Hour Candle Sets House on Fire.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Speaking of Devils

Dante's Inferno is coming to a game platform near you!

Check it out!

It seems to me that there is a flaw in the overall game concept. Apparently, the game developers mistook Dante Alighieri for Dante from Devil May Cry.

Good Lord, I don't think the morons even read the book!

They just took the premise of a jaunt through Hell and ran with it. (What, no sequels? Purgatorio? Paradiso?)

But, for all these flaws, I'm just glad Dante the Crusader (!!!!!!) is a good guy. A Crusader who's a good guy! Finally!

BTW, yes, Crusader Dante is out to rescue Beatrice's soul from the clutches of Satan.

I think a few of my brain cells just died.

This game is brought to you by Electronic Arts, the same people who ruined Maxis and your expensive college education.

If This is Episcopalianism, They Should Quit Calling Themselves Christian

Cambridge (Massachusetts) Episcopal "Divinity" School just got itself a new dean!

So, what's wrong with the new gal? Check out one of her greatest hits.

And when a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion – there is not a tragedy in sight -- only blessing. The ability to enjoy God’s good gift of sexuality without compromising one’s education, life’s work, or ability to put to use God’s gifts and call is simply blessing.

These are the two things I want you, please, to remember – abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Let me hear you say it: abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done.

Repeat that last sentence over and over again...and in the distance, you will hear "Sieg Heil" in the background. For this deranged "priestess" (I will never acknowledge Episcopalian ordination), the killing of unborn children is not just a tragedy, it's a blessing! Because, you know, abortion keeps that pesky, who-invited-this-turd baby from ruining a woman's right to have it all. "Enjoying the gift of sexuality without compromising one's education, life's work..." Yes, comfort is worth a murder. I remember a time wherein the West used to prosecute such evil. I think that West is dead.

And you know what, this kind of turgid reasoning is coming to a law chamber near you, courtesy of our progressive "betters" in the academe and in politics. It's a shame that our pro-life movement is in shambles, under the seeming assumption that there's nothing to fight about, for now.

As for this Episcopalians, why don't they just declare themselves Unitarian and be done with it? How can you have a "divinity school" if you don't even believe in any "divinity" other than the ones you make up along the way? I'd respect them more if they just called themselves the Episcopal Mythology School. 

Moloch the Child-Eater: The Ideal Episcopalian Bishop / Dean