Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bad Education Breeds Imbeciles

As a follow up to my previous post, one might ask how wide-ranging an effect the university's surrender of its original vision might be. After all, why should we sweat Harvard selling out?

For one thing, these schools, both in Europe and the US, still take in a large portion of our future worldwide elite. Now, it's one thing to have stupid masses. After all, that's why they're called "the masses". (Sorry, David Mamet fan here.) But if even your elite has succumbed to egregious stupidity, then you are going to face a range of long-term, large-scale evils.

The first, and probably least, dangerous side effect is the loss of simple logic and reasoning. Take, for example, this Dutch gay activist and his gay "nativity", with the two Josephs and two Marys (polygamous God!). Nothing behind it other than sheer historical, religious and philosophical ignorance, but we can take that for granted. What veers this into imbecile territory is the fact that somebody ought to have asked our erstwhile presumably "educated" gay activist a few questions...

Umm...out of which Joseph's orifice is Jesus supposed to pop out?

Or, this entry for my "more proof the UK is run by the Stupids" series, wherein Oxford University Press (a university? who would've thunk it?) eliminated all references to Christianity in its Junior Dictionary, thus perpetuating its own stupidity on the young. Okay, so those British kings used to be crowned by...men with pointy hats! There's some brains spilled on "lane between two objects" 22!  The UK is already becoming one gigantic Monty Python skit, and someday, it's going to stop being funny.

The second effect is considerably more annoying. You're going to have these imbecilic elites so wrapped up in their own arrogance that they're going to start doing things they are not qualified to do, much less even attempt.

Take this example of breath-taking, brain-busting stupidity from a Newsweek editor. (Cancel your subscriptions, this magazine is hardly worth wiping your ass with. Consider this the anti-plug.) Here, you have new age fucktard Lisa Miller trying to talk down to us Christians by telling us that gay marriage is allowed by the Bible,
while probably only owning a Cliffnotes to the Bible rather than an actual one herself (might burn her hands). The lies and misinterpretations are so numerous, I'm sure Luther is now beginning to regret sola scriptura up there in heaven. The wonders of a university "education" knows no bounds, and embraces imbecility only higher "education" can allow you to swallow. (For the antidote to Lisa Miller, go here.)

Or, in another example of higher-ed's total lack of any sense of irony, you have Harvard allowing an atheist a Master's in Divinity! Shouldn't they just create a school in Adivinity? Or are Harvard's divinity professors so incapable of taking their subject matter seriously that they think even an atheist can grasp the profundity of religion and teach it? What's next? Driving school for the blind? Wait, there's more:

What was perhaps most interesting that year was learning that many Americans do not take their ethical advice from Aristotle, Kant, or Mill, but rather from religious leaders. I realized that if I was going to make a meaningful contribution to the ethical dialogue in this country, I ought to study religious ethics.

Congratulations, Harvard, for giving us the next L. Ron Hubbard.

The third, and most dangerous side effect of all, is the loss of virtue among the learned professional elite. How bad will this loss of virtue affect you? Check your mortgage. Check your relatives' OFW remittances. Heck, check the toilet-spiralling world economy.

Newsflash: Economics without Virtue doesn't work!

Underlying the crisis is the Western world's repudiation of life, through a hedonism that puts consumption or "self-realization" ahead of child-rearing. The developed world is shifting from a demographic profile in which the very young (children four years and under) outnumbered the elderly (65 and older), to a profile with 10 times as many retirees as children aged four or younger. Economics simply never has had to confront a situation in which the next generation simply failed turn up.

It is not just the professionals who were ethically challenged. Bankers who insisted on dancing until the music stopped, as Citigroup's former chairman Chuck Prince wisecracked just before his 2007 dismissal, deserve the rage of the public. So do the analysts working for Moody's Investor Services who acknowledged in messages made public by Congressional investigators that "we sold our soul to the devil for revenue". The moral rot reaches into most of the families in the developed world.

The lack of virtue causes otherwise smart professionals to sell their souls to the devil and gain nothing but dust in the process. And when the elite collectively bargains their souls away, they bargain ours along with theirs, greedy bastards. Because the economic crunch does not hurt the elite the most. It strikes hardest at us, Joe and Jane Taxpayer, whose being middle class makes democracy crawl along and keeps society from collapsing. If we fold, then prepare for a Mad Max future of dog eat dog. Funny part is, we didn't even need the nukes to destroy ourselves.

Only bad education.

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