Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why McCain is Losing...

I am reminded of that old Aesop fable of the man, his son and the donkey. In his attempts to satisfy everybody, the man ends up losing everything. This is McCain's problem. As a man who made his reputation as a "maverick" courting independents, he has attempted to come down on the center of everything.

My foremost example is his support of embryonic stem cell research. In essence, he is propagating the same line of human expedience that Obama's camp embraces with fanatical fervor. (The earlier you are in development, the more disposable you are to the convenience of your superiors.) There is a reason Sarah Palin is much more popular than he is. If only she were running for President, the GOP wouldn't be this down in the polls. For all her shortcomings (Which are, in reality, no worse than Obama's. She just gets more scrutiny, being a conservative Christian and all.), Sarah Palin has the right idea. You do not run against the liberal candidate by positioning yourself as just a little less liberal. You run against him by positioning yourself as a conservative.

In reality, I'd prefer that the US president be a soccer mom who has pulled strings (aka "abused power") to fire an abusive, alcoholic state trooper than a disgustingly corrupt Chicago machine politician who happens to speak nice. Or a so-called maverick who tries to please all and ends up pleasing none. 

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