Friday, October 3, 2008

"Informed Choice"

This is "informed choice"...

The funny thing about the cult surrounding "informed choice" and "freedom of choice" is that it fails to realize that human beings will kill if informed that they can, in fact, kill. This is why freedom must not come free. Some choices ought to be denied, for man by and large will choose evil if he or she thinks it will make his or her life a little bit easier. All "informed choice" does is "inform" the butcher that there is no blood on his or her hands.

Welcome to the new morality. Less intrusive than the old morality.

One of my greatest fears is that I will see the day my country legalizes abortion. That day is drawing near, and I am not yet even 30.

In the year 1930, the Anglican Communion became the first Christian denomination to declare that contraception was morally licit in some cases, as suits the particular circumstances and consciences of the couples, in keeping with "Christian principles".

In the year 2008, Rep. Edcel Lagman re-writes and submits the first "reproductive health" bill that has a viable chance of Philippine Congressional passage. The bill is said "
To uphold and promote respect for life, informed choice, birth spacing and responsible parenthood in conformity with internationally recognized human rights standards."

In 1968, British Parliament under the leadership of the Harold Wilson's Labor Party passes the British Abortion Act of 1968, which allows abortion to be conducted by any medical practitioner. This was 4 years before Roe v. Wade and only 38 years after contraception gained mainstream acceptance.

I suspect that we will have some future Edcel Lagman proposing a viable abortion liberalization bill by 2076.

Before the usual suspects come howling in that Rep. Lagman's bill isn't proposing legalized abortion, I will already say that this is a disingenous argument. Even if he does not intend it, the very first step to legalized abortion is to make women at war with their own fertility. One can harp that the Philippines will not necessarily take that next step. But then again, so did those Anglican bishops coming out of the Lambeth Conference of 1930 when it came to the question of England. When pregnancy is the disease and "unwanted children" the cancer, then there is no step women will not take to eliminate both, and there is no rationalization so low that they will not stoop down to get it. All the august arguments made for Lagman's morally vacuous bill will get rewound, rehearsed and replayed once it comes time for the Philippines to begin sacrificing its children to the twin gods of Moloch and Mammon. The dark side of man will make miles out of every inch.

This is "informed choice" inform man that there is no barrier to the choice of his own annihilation. I hope Mr. Lagman is comfortable with this bargain with Mephistopheles. He won't be able to take it back.

As it stands, our only real treasure is our people. The cruel thing about the devil's bargains is that in the end, we don't even get what he promised. So today, Lagman would have us sell our souls, for a mess of pottage and a meaningless comfort while our future generations suffer from the impotence imposed upon them by their elders. Europe at least managed to experience some years of economic dynamism before the cold hand of death by sterility completely annihilates what's left of their culture. We won't even get that. What will we offer the world once there is so few of us? Maybe we can tell 'em we'll love them long time. Just take a number please.

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