Monday, August 25, 2008

Time Magazine After Newsweek's Job as Obama's Publicist?

My Mom has a Time magazine subscription, so the mag appears faithfully every Monday morning on the grill of our gate.

Now, the magazine comes with a paper cover, ostensibly to have a place to put a subscriber's address on and to put an odd ad or two. (These days, its usually Thai Airlines.)

So, I rip open the paper cover, and lo and behold, what do I see but this:

                                                [Obama: Cam-Whore]

"Obama's Moment"? There's a war in Georgia, the Potemkin Olympics have just concluded, and the best Time can come up with is a loving tribute to Obamessiah?

Fuck this. I have refused to open Newsweek because I know those morons jack off to a picture of "President Obama" every night. But...Time? Jeez, I thought that the venerable old magazine had some self esteem. Looks like its just as much an acne-ridden school girl in a junior high dance as Newsweek is when it comes to this jerk.

I pray to God John McCain wins the US presidential election in November. Just watching the US "news" media's collective head explode as their "Anointed One" falls off his high horse would be worth the price of admission.  If that happens, somebody call me. I've got a lot of popcorn.

1 comment:

  1. Well.. Time did change editor-in-chiefs a year or two back...
