Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Real World Defies Pol. Eco.

I still remember our discussions during political economy classes regarding the death of so-called "hard power" in this new age of interdependence.  Look at the U.S. bogged down in Iraq, blah, blah... It's all about "soft power" etc., etc. All well and good, then.

Suddenly, while we're all not looking (eyes transfixed on Beijing's dog and pony show), Russia comes out and proves decisively that hard power still lives, that hard power still works, and by God, hard power is here to stay.

For as long as we remain the children of Adam, war will be with us, raging in every heart. All it takes is just one to take up the sword to spark a conflagration.

We who sleep too soundly in the night will wake up to find the world in flames.

1 comment:

  1. so much for migration when you've got us on some sort of stupidity streak and the rest of the world is apparently leading the trend.

    wait... there is one last hope for migration.

    .... to Switzerland, the land of neutrality!
