Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Year College Survey

Hey, since everyone's taking it...

What section were you?
Block SI

Who were your seatmates?

God, I'm bad with names...umm...some guy named Johndy (not Mr. Borra), another guy named Jerome, and a guy named Walter...oh, and this guy named Chris.

Still remember your English teacher?
Mrs. Dadufalza

What was your first class?
Euclidean Geometry (hell yeah!)

Who were your best friends?
That Johndy guy...and Chris.

Who was your crush back then?
Umm...just one? Okay, I'll say...Pia Vergara...among others.

Made friends to the higher years?
This girl who was editor of the now-defunct school magazine. (Told you I was bad with names.)

Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Are you fucking kidding me?

How was your class schedule?
A shock after the rigidity of high school. Felt kinda light. Second year was the killer.

Made any enemies?
Occasionally bickered with Jerome...but nothing bad til second year.

Who was your favorite teacher(s)?
Mr. Ray Leuterio and Mr. Art Vito Cruz for Civ 102 and Fine Arts.

What sport did you play?
Basketball and Fencing, for PE.

Back then, do you always buy your lunch?
Yep. Didn't want to lug around baon after doing it for four years.

Were you a party animal?

Were you well known in your school?
A bit in High School, for mixed reasons. In college, I was so anonymous, the CIA could've recruited me.

Skip classes?
Yes. Some were boring.

Did you get suspended/expelled?

Can you sing the alma mater?
Mumble it is more like it.

What was your favorite subject?
Christian Civilization

What is your school's full name?
University of Asia and the Pacific

Where did you go most often during breaks?
Megamall, or the library.

If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
Nope. I was kinda glad first year was over.

What do you remember most about 1st yr?
Getting laughed at when I tried to ask for this girl's number. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that. Though I think Nietzsche got dumped a lot too.

Hmm...interesting survey. My first year was kinda bland though. Second year was more interesting.


  1. do my eyes deceive me? you're actually answering a survey!
    the skys must indeed be falling already...

  2. I reply to surveys...I just don't get them very often.

  3. I think Jon replied to this one is because it really isn't marketing related. This won't put him on the database of some company...
