Sunday, February 22, 2009

The 81st Liberal Sanctimony Awards

Anybody catch the Oscars?

Personally, I feel good having missed it. By all accounts, Hollywood ramped up the preachy left-wing sanctimony, especially on gay marriage. Fucking Sean Penn won best actor and couldn't resist the deep urge to cast shame on people who believe in traditional marriage. Way to be tolerant there, Captain Commie. Is it any wonder that this year's Best Picture nominees have the lowest collective gross in recent memory? Who wants to watch this crap? A movie about a reverse geriatric male model, one about a rabidly gay activist, another about some liberal caricature of a Republican president, one about good Nazi Kate Winslet, and, the least offensive, one about a lucky Indian.

Poor Mickey Rourke probably wished his wrestler character was gay. No way was Hollywood going to miss this chance to tell the rest of us what to believe.

At least, Slumdog Millionaire won Best Picture. Thank God for small mercies.

Goodnight Hollywood, and fuck off.


  1. you love that nuclear finger way too much

  2. at least heath ledger won the best supporting actor oscar...i feel kinda bad for kirk lazarus though...

  3. It's both apocalyptic and kick-ass. Doesn't get any better than that.

  4. Yeah. I'll bet he wouldn't have won if he were still alive though.
